
70 Articles 7 Followers

Contest #SwitchToBrave for all the publish0x.com authors took place from 12th to 23rd of August 2019. The winning (and best) articles of the SwitchToBrave contest can be seen here.

The idea of #SwitchToBrave is to showcase your experiences after switching to Brave with our community and provide a reasoning why you decided to ditch your previous browser. It does not matter if you are a beginner or a crypto veteran, everyone is warm welcomed! 

Find more details on: https://www.publish0x.com/publish0x-official-blog/200-bat-publish0x-writing-contest-switchtobrave-xvylrp


If you haven't yet, grab the Brave Browser from here.

The Brave browser is now the most frequently downloaded web browser in Japan

8 Sep 2019 1 minute read 1 comment dios

According to Android app aggregator AppBrain.com, the Brave browser is now the most frequently downloaded browser in Japan. This is the first time in history that such a claim can be said of the Brave browser. This is a strong indicator of momentum,...

These are the Winners of the #SwitchToBrave #Publish0x Writing Contest!

26 Aug 2019 2 minute read 14 comments ITofPub0x

Our second writing contest is over and it's time to announce the winners! You guys have written 40 great articles. I don't want to use a worn out phrase, but it was genuinely a challenge to pick the best articles. You can find all of the #SwitchToBra...

The Reason Why Brave Browser is Better than Google Chrome

23 Aug 2019 2 minute read 2 comments PandamP

In searching on the internet comfort is the main, especially if you found ads that are very annoying and look spammy you must be annoyed with the site, why the site there are many ads that are very disturbing and look spam? Especially when I open ma...

Chromium Forks Battle: BRAVE Browser VS Google CHROME. I #SWITCHTOBRAVE

23 Aug 2019 7 minute read 5 comments BtcSapiens

Behind a browser there are many interacting web technologies that we do not know as users, and what seems apparently the same is not really. In today's article I will talk about my personal experience using two Chromium Forks, Google Chrome and Brave...

It's Safer To Switch To Brave: An Infographic Story in 1 Minute 26 Secs

23 Aug 2019 1 minute read 15 comments Pineapple

Switch to Brave A quick rundown of how I found Brave browser one year ago. I'm pro-privacy. When I deleted Facebook, it was at that same time when I also ditched Google Chrome. I first stumbled into Duckduckgo Browser. Later, I found out that I can u...

Brave is the Answer to Your Privacy Fears

23 Aug 2019 3 minute read 2 comments mattnz

You would be far from the first to be concerned by the crescendo of news over the last two years about how your privacy and data has been treated with disdain by Facebook and Google. To take the most glaring example, Cambridge Analytica boasted that...

The difference between Brave browser and all the rest.

22 Aug 2019 1 minute read 1 comment AskACapper

    The beauty of Brave and browsing experience is highlighted in this image. It's all the stuff it does in the background the things it blocks and stops that you never knew were watching you. While most people will focus on the fact that you can ea...

Reasons that made me Switched To Brave — The Lion Browser

22 Aug 2019 4 minute read 6 comments virtugrana

As you may know, I really enjoy exploring alternatives. Especially on the site AlternativeTo, if you do not know is worth checking out. AlternativeTo is a 2-man site in Switzerland, as well as having contributions from people from other countries, so...

10 Reasons to #SwitchToBrave

22 Aug 2019 4 minute read 37 comments Cryptolohy

This is my first post, which is meant to be part of the #SwitchToBrave competition. If you like this article, make sure to follow me for more articles in the future, here at Cryptolohy we want to produce quality content regarding all things crypto. S...

My Journey with Brave after a month of using (detailed report)

21 Aug 2019 9 minute read 18 comments qsyal

We are in a mad world . There are hundreds or maybe thousands of apps, games , programs uploading on the web everyday . Lots and lots of Advertisements, videos or articles that invite to try a new program or another.And when download this new program...