
70 Articles 7 Followers

Contest #SwitchToBrave for all the publish0x.com authors took place from 12th to 23rd of August 2019. The winning (and best) articles of the SwitchToBrave contest can be seen here.

The idea of #SwitchToBrave is to showcase your experiences after switching to Brave with our community and provide a reasoning why you decided to ditch your previous browser. It does not matter if you are a beginner or a crypto veteran, everyone is warm welcomed! 

Find more details on: https://www.publish0x.com/publish0x-official-blog/200-bat-publish0x-writing-contest-switchtobrave-xvylrp


If you haven't yet, grab the Brave Browser from here.

Brave Browser 🦁 Review 2020

11 Aug 2020 1 minute read 8 comments UjjwalAditya

Finally Today I publish another video on YouTube and in this video I reviewed Brave Browser 🦁    Yes you can check it 😇 if you like the video share it and subscribe 😊 Today I am going to review one of favourite Tool that i love so much and it is B...

Brave in Africa: why people need it in the African society.

11 Aug 2020 1 minute read 2 comments alberdioni8406

Africa have been growing a lot in knowledge and adoption of cryptocurrencies across the planet and the COVID-19 crisis brought more curiosity about decentralized assets and Blockchain tools that could increment passive income helping somehow to pay t...

Brave Tipping as a way to bring Africa and the Developing World to Crypto

6 Aug 2020 1 minute read 2 comments JC Business Consult

Hello bloggers and internet lovers; I've been thinking about ways to bring my countrymen and women to crypto 'en masse' but it hasn't been easy. So after discovering brave browser and their famous basic attention token (BAT or Brave attention token)...

Pay attention with DRM content in Brave Browser!

4 Aug 2020 1 minute read 3 comments Mcthru

Hello, it's me, cryptosaso with another interesting article.  Today we will talk about brave browsers and DRM content (those that are run by spotify, netflix, etc.). Well, if you have just installed brave browsers (for those who have not yet done so,...

Save ram when installing Brave Browser

30 Jul 2020 3 minute read 4 comments Mcthru

A few months ago, I started using other alternative browsers to chrome, in particular one that struck me was Brave Browser. Introduction I own a computer that does not have very high specifications, indeed. This premise is necessary because I insta...

Transferring Brave Rewards from Android to Uphold!

14 Jun 2020 1 minute read 1 comment geraldst

So, I believe most of you are familiar with Brave! If not do check out my post on Brave Browser. Now! HOW DO YOU GET YOUR BRAVE REWARDS FROM ANDROID TO YOUR UPHOLD ACCOUNT? Become a creator. Tip yourself! Yes, you heard me right!  1.  Join publishers...

Brave reached the 15M milestone!

2 Jun 2020 1 minute read 5 comments geraldst

The new browser is not so new anymore. After reaching a total of 15 million monthly active users, Brave has shown a growth of 50% since the Brave 1.0 launch this past November, and of 125% or 2.25x over the past year. There has been an increase in th...

Brave's Blockchain based Digital Advertising Platform

2 Jun 2020 2 minute read 0 comments geraldst

WHAT IS BRAVE? By this time, most of you must have come across articles about the Brave browser. Brave is a free and open-source web browser developed by Brave Software, Inc. based on the Chromium web browser. It has an inbuilt ad blocker and website...

Brave should introduce CLOUD STORAGE services in the light of Google deleting user's videos from Google Drive

31 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments CryptoTapas.com

I was really concerned to see this news that shows that Google is deleting the files from users personal google cloud drive.  This is definitely getting to a point of hunger for total control of voices.  The question raised on Google's official page...

Become a Brave pro| 5 tips and tricks

31 May 2020 1 minute read 1 comment Cryptohem

Many people out here might be using brave browser . But some might not be aware of the hidden feature where brave  is capable of. Since i am also using brave in my mobile . I try to find different feature provided by the brave browser. And i find som...