job change

3 Articles 0 Followers

How to not get stuck in our current job

8 Jul 2024 2 minute read 0 comments Bala

This month is the appraisal month in my day job and we have to provide some data points to the leader for them to evaluate. It is a tedious process but at the same time an exciting one because we get a chance to evaluate ourselves. As always I used t...

Focus on skills first and money will follow

20 May 2024 2 minute read 1 comment Bala

This year has been one of the dull years where there is not enough opening outside. People find it hard to switch jobs this year and I also heard that many companies try to reduce the headcount in their company. Only a few regular jobs flourish and e...

Changing Gears, A Career Method of Necessity

15 Feb 2024 5 minute read 0 comments WinterYeti

When you drive a vehicle with manual transmission, you have to be actively engaged. There's no cruising down the road and shutting off the attention meter. Every 10 MPH or so, you're looking at another gear change. How do you know? You feel it, hear...