Joaquin Phoenix

2 Articles 0 Followers

Napoleon the new film by Ridley Scott

23 Dec 2023 1 minute read 1 comment yeckingo1

Greetings to series fans! On this occasion, I don't bring you a series, but one of the outstanding films of this year: "Napoleon", directed by the acclaimed Ridley Scott, one of my favorite directors. In addition, it features the brilliant performanc...

JOKER - or the real clowns among us

16 Oct 2019 2 minute read 1 comment Matija Jaksekovic

Author - © Matija Jaksekovic Ever since Todd Phillips' "Joker" came out, reactions to the movie are anything but calm. Despite the fact that the Joaquin Phoenix’s played a masterful role as the Joker, such loud reactions that flooded social networks...