
18 Articles 0 Followers

Heruvim78's Cryptocurrency Income Report - December 2023

31 Dec 2023 3 minute read 3 comments Heruvim78

             I got some hope for the new all-in-one app from Elrond, I even bought some more EGLD to stake, trying to create some more passive income. Got a plan for the rest of the year to buy more GLX, HBD and Hive. I am also thinking to use Freetr...

Mr Namibia: Flexing Freedom

18 Mar 2023 11 minute read 0 comments Tigerius

I never realised what a certified badass the Namibian President, Hage Geingob is! This is what standing up to The Man looks like. Watch him slice and dice to size the former President of the German Parliament and Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Stift...

Welcome to Broken Britain

17 Oct 2022 7 minute read 0 comments RosieJSargent

Welcome to Broken Britain, a shattered nation that is indeed far from a United Kingdom. In a space of a week, we have had a new Head of State King Charles, and a new Prime Minister Liz Truss; all without a single say from the people. Not one vote. No...

Self-help, survivor's guilt and imposter's syndrome - Day 76

15 Dec 2021 3 minute read 1 comment Heruvim78

Motto: What is the rewards you get for good work? More work. (Porky Pig) Today I am thinking to talk about helping others, survivor's guilt and imposter's syndrome. What? Wait, why are all those things together? This is an interesting story, and ever...

Barbados Is Now An Independent Country

30 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments SweptOverNiagara

At its height, the British Empire was not just the largest empire in the world but the largest in history. At one point, the empire included what is now the USA, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Hong Kong, Gibraltar, Australia and Canada. The empire began to...

Long Live Mexico

16 Sep 2021 4 minute read 0 comments Nathan Payne

Mexico is celebrating its Independence Day today.  I'm watching it on YouTube, the livestream of an empty Zócalo in Mexico City, where the president spoke and said "Viva México" several times from the balcony, and rang a bell.  He's wearing a purple...

Why I need financial independence?

26 Jan 2021 2 minute read 1 comment Bala

I already shared my financial goals in one of the previous articles but today I was wondering what else should be my goals for 2021 and the coming years. I came up with few things that I need to focus on strictly this year and in the coming year...

Bitcoin And California's Independence With "CalExit"

12 Oct 2020 5 minute read 17 comments

On September 29th, 2020, the California governor signed a bill which will change the way the state, and businesses within the state view and manage Bitcoin. California has always been a bit ahead of the game, as many businesses in the state already a...

Happy Independence Day, Nigeria II.

1 Oct 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Olawalium

​Image Source.​​​ Happy Independence day Nigeria more like in-despondency day. Sixty years after the great heroes fought for the freedom of the black queen. The African giant, the eagle who should never walk on bare ground. They probably thought th...

Happy Independence Day, Nigeria.

1 Oct 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Olawalium

​Image Source.​​​ Blessed is the day, that the chains of captivity broke from your hands. Blessed is the day, that the weights of colonization was lifted from your head.   Blessed is the day, you fought for your liberation. Blessed is the day, that...