
42 Articles 0 Followers

Spring Garden Update: Bush Cherries

19 Jun 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Solominer

In my previous garden update post I showed off four Cherry trees, in this video we look at a smaller version of Cherry called "Bush Cherries". These plants reach a height of around six feet and bush out the sides real good. The Bush Cherries are sma...

A closer look at Solitary Bees Part 3: A fight breaks out

15 Jun 2020 2 minute read 1 comment Solominer

This video starts with a Hawk call in the background with various other bird calls going on around us, the Bees can be heard buzzing in the background. All is calm at the moment. Two Orange-vented Mason Bees enter the bee boards. Distinguishable by...

High Speed Gardening - Video Lapse

8 Jun 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Solominer

I had a few clips I made during the early spring that I did not use in any other videos. So I put them together to make a short video lapse compilation. I put a random audio track in the video as its usually without sound when doing video lapse. I s...

Mason Bees hatching from their cocoons - Video Lapse

3 Jun 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Solominer

In the beginning of the video, Bees can be seen crawling around the trays I laid the cocoons in. I set my camera up and recorded all day using video lapse. By half way through the video I did not see any others emerge but there were a few in the beg...

Making planters out of old food containers

30 May 2020 1 minute read 2 comments Solominer

Using coconut oil containers I cut and then heat up the sides to fold them out, giving me spots to place plants in. Strawberries is what I am planning on growing in these. And since making this video they have been doing pretty good. I made this vid...

Planting Goji berry bushes

28 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Solominer

When I got these starter plants, I was expecting to get a Cherry tree as well. I ordered both together, though the Cherry tree was out of stock. It was a Royal Lee, which would be compatible with my Minnie Royal Cherry tree. Unfortunately it did not...

Kestrel house late spring update

27 May 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Solominer

  I was hoping for Kestrels to move into the new bird house I built. Though I got a different kind of bird that ended up moving in this year. The bird that moved in is called a Wren. They are a very common bird here in Georgia. Glad to see the bird...

Mason Bees visiting their old homes

26 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Solominer

I am really glad the Mason Bees are making use of the bee boards I constructed for them last year. I left the old bee homes out so the Bees inside could emerge. The homes with holes in the mud are spots where previous Bees have already left for the...

Planting 2 Cherry trees and 2 Cherry bushes

24 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Solominer

The last few years we have been buying alot of Cherries at the market. And with some free space I thought it would be a good idea to plant some Cherry trees and bushes. It may take a few years to get a tree that produces, so now is a good time to st...

Late Spring Solitary Bee update

23 May 2020 1 minute read 2 comments Solominer

A few of the bee boards has had its holes completely filled in, this is great as they are taking to what I built for them. I see mud all the way to the front of the opening, one of those tunnels is completely filled in. Mission complete by a ms Maso...