civil rights

6 Articles 0 Followers

A Coalition of Mutual Disdain

17 Dec 2023 4 minute read 0 comments Nathan Payne

"Beware the fury of a patient man."John Dryden   People are a crossbow pointed at the heads of every leader in history.  The longer and harder people are pushed and pulled around, the more violent and sudden their reaction will be when the tension is...

Precession of Simulacra

15 Mar 2022 5 minute read 1 comment Jinno

     I haven't paid too much attention to mainstream media about the coverage of Russia and Ukraine so I'm mostly getting my information from independent journalists and critical thinkers. But let's roll back time to coverage of Hong Kong and the CCP...

Transhumanism Begins In Michigan Under New Govt Employee Implant Agenda

11 Aug 2020 3 minute read 2 comments IRUUR1

NWON - MICHIGAN - CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY IN DISPUTE - The global technocracy's control over the constitutional rights over government employees, will make them completely aligned with states like Illinois, California, and New York. Human Assets In...

Episode 63: Sunday Scriptures - Civil Unrest

30 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments NewCreationCapital

Audio:   Video:     Join The New Creation Cronies Telegram Group In our 10th installment of the Sunday Scriptures we talk about what the bible says about civil unrest. Every Sunday we will take a break from the world of digital assets, stock market...

Gun control is population control

30 May 2020 2 minute read 0 comments Eles

It is no secret that the Michigan reopen protests and the Minneapolis Protests have been compared, and many questions have been drawn on why the unarmed protesters in Minneapolis were shot and gassed, while the Michigan reopen protesters were not att...


3 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Cthundathil

Taking a shower last night and thinking about some things.  An idea came to mind: "The Equal Commission".  At a crossroads while I am trying to make sense of things.... this is what I have discovered. The world is a very unbalanced mess. Attorney's,...