Alien Worlds

306 Articles 13 Followers

Alien Worlds: My Mining Stats April - May 2021

22 May 2021 8 minute read 6 comments Feax21

Hello. My name is Feax21. I am an Alien Worlds independent Miner and these are my AW chronicles. 1.0 INTRODUCTION In this first article about Alien Worlds, I would like to describe my efforts to understand in which lands I can get the best TLM minin...

Recent Triple Whammy Market Dip - What's The Next Project?

21 May 2021 2 minute read 0 comments SBenbow

Okay, so we all know the market has taken a hit with Elon Musk, China, and JP Morgan comments recently. So what now? I'm not a market guru, so I don't know.  I just know that I played the dips, bought more crypto, and will wait until (hopefully) the...

Free BANANO NFTs: cryptomonKeys Update #21: monKeymining Update (Earn NFTs by Playing Alien Worlds!)

20 May 2021 4 minute read 13 comments banano

BANANO is a DAG-based cryptocurrency with easy-to-use apps, distributed entirely for free through airdrops, faucets, and games. All happening in a fun, community-driven, meme-rich, and educational atmosphere. The BANANO community project cryptomonKey...

NFT Breaking News #8 - Doctor Who , Aliens and Zombies!

20 May 2021 4 minute read 21 comments PVM

Doctor Who Worlds Apart made a hell of a comeback with another amazing pack! Byron new zombies are on the run while the Kavian raccoons are creating havoc! You seen it here first ... because it's Breaking News! Doctor Who Worlds Apart keeps adding n...

Journal One - Arrivals, learning the ropes and first encounters!

17 May 2021 5 minute read 0 comments Not_Axolot

Almost a month has passed since I left everything behind and traversed the vast ocean of nothingness between my little dust farm and these brave new worlds. The Federation was offering fast and free accommodation to those willing to work hard and est...

Alien Worlds | Giveaway And Competition Announcement - My Submission.

16 May 2021 3 minute read 1 comment dai-

Announcement Starting this Saturday Alien Worlds is starting a week long community event. Full of new NFT's showcase, Q&A, giveaway, competition and more! Here is the schedule:  Sat: Announcement & start of the week long event Poster/drawing even...

AlienWorlds: How to see in which land you mined a NFT

16 May 2021 1 minute read 1 comment Phanty123

AlienWorlds is a game where you can receive Trilium and NFTs (digital items on the blockchain) for mining with tools on various lands. You can check your NFTs in your WAX Wallet (NFTs section).   Sometime players want to know exactly on what particul...

Tour of the Blockchain

16 May 2021 5 minute read 1 comment LouP77

As always, remember: Never invest money you can't afford to lose. Do your own research. Buy my digital artwork. I started to include this in the column I wrote about the rather arduous process of unstaking 2,000+ Alien Worlds NFTs from R-Planet, but...

Unstake abundant Alien Worlds NFTs from RPlanet or get blacklisted

16 May 2021 2 minute read 37 comments Invest0x

I first discovered RPlanet from other Alien Worlds explorers. It allows users connected on the WAX blockchain to stake their NFTs for Aether. If you have no idea what Aether is, nor do I. It's a token of RPlanet that seems to allow you to create elem...

Alien Worlds Shining Update!

15 May 2021 1 minute read 20 comments TrocProcLock

It's official boys and girls. Alien Worlds is lowering the amount of TLM required to Shine NFT's and they are also enabling Minion and Weapon shining. What does it mean for you? Well let's dive into it fully. Starting on Friday May 21st at 15:00 UTC...