Stronghands Protocol News

PLS3D Sees Over $300k Deposited in 2 Days, Token3D in Development, DeBank Proposal and More Updates!

Welcome back everyone! I have great news to share with you today surrounding PLS3D and its massive success in the last few days, updates surrounding the development of Token3D, the success that PLS3D has brought to our other 3D contracts, our DeBank proposal and some other general community updates! Let's get into it folks!

Stronghands 3D Background

PLS3D Massive Success

Firstly, I would like to express with much excitement that PLS3D has seen massive success in the last few days. As many of you already know, PLS3D is the first single sided staking platform on PulseChain, where holders earn dividends from the 10% deposit/withdrawal tax that functions independently from the gains that holders already have been making from price appreciation. In the last 2 days, the PLS3D contract has seen over $300,000 USD deposited, with approximately 3.1 billion PLS that has been deposited in total and almost 3 billion PLS in liquidity! The market cap has reached a whopping $637,959 USD, which is amazing considering how there wasn't even $20k of liquidity a couple days ago! As I am writing this, our Telegram group is being delighted with new members and notifications from our buy bot. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to our solid community, and give a warm welcome to all new members and stakers in our protocol! We achieved this completely from word of mouth, without any charts, and are planning on investing in even more marketing very shortly! Don't hesitate to contact either me or the 6 other members of our team if you have any questions about anything! More information can be found in our documentation and our website!

PLS3D Stats

Token3D Updates

Secondly, we have some updates to share about Token3D, which I mentioned in my previous article. To make things straight, Token3D has been confirmed to be in development, with the first token we will be developing a 3D contract for being PLSX (PLSX3D). Besides PLSX3D, we are planning on launching contracts for INC (INC3D) and HEX (HEX3D). After that, we are planning on launching 3D contracts for stablecoins, all on PulseChain, so stay tuned on our Telegram group and Discord server for more updates!!!

Token 3D Spoiler

DeBank Proposal

Furthermore, PLS3D has seen a DeBank proposal launched for it, with over 58 upvotes and a value of voters that totals around $279k as I am writing this! If you want to help support the protocol, consider voting here, it's free!

DeBank PLS3D Proposal

Other 3D Contract News

Moreover, PLS3D hasn't been the only 3D contract to experience growth in the last couple days! BNB3D currently has $13,221.94 USD in BNB deposited (was ~$600 yesterday), MATIC3D currently has $18,322.32 USD in MATIC deposited (was ~$600 yesterday), FTM3D currently has $1,620.10 USD in FTM deposited (was ~$350 yesterday) and CRO3D has $4,166.32 USD in CRO deposited (was ~$2300 yesterday)! Despite the fact that PLS3D and PulseChain developments are currently our main attractions right now, the other 3D contracts are still seeing lots of volume and will definitely be developed on in the future!

Stronghands 3D Contracts

Protocol and Twitter Growth

Finally, the entire Stronghands Protocol has seen amazing growth! We have seen over 134 members join our Telegram group, and our Twitter has reached over 270 followers, with both of these numbers growing by the minute! Thank you once again for all the support! We have plenty more in store, so stay tuned folks!

Stronghands Protocol Telegram

As always, thank you for reading, this is not financial advice, do your own research and stay safe on the blockchain! I appreciate all your support! You guys can follow me on Twitter and on Medium. If you want to support me further, consider using my referral link to get into any of the Stronghands 3D contracts, I really appreciate it!

Also posted on Medium.

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The DeFi Prince
The DeFi Prince

Hello I’m The DeFi Prince! I’m a passionate blogger, author of The Cronos Experience blog and Community Head of Function Island. I also love learning about Crypto and teaching other people about it.

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