Introduction To Success For Authors At Publish0x

Introduction To Success For Authors At Publish0x

By Smoljanović | Smoljanovic | 26 Nov 2020

Introduction To Success For Authors At Publish0x

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Publish0x is a prestigious publishing platform that is exponentially increasing in size and popularity. 

The privilege to share articles on Publish0x should not be carelessly forsaken by breaking rules in a desperate rush to earn some cryptocurrency.

The authorship that is granted to authors will most likely never be restored if revoked due to a blatant act of plagiarism.

Our platform sentinels are becoming quite proficient at detecting copy/pasting and article spinning.

Prolific writers may have a slight advantage at the onset especially if they already have a collection of prewritten articles but rushing into things on a new platform is never advised.

Even new authors to the platform can quickly rise to the top if they persevere and pay attention to details. The authors that make the effort to examine the platform and are open to learning generally gain popularity in a short period of time.

Many new users that are granted authorship make a beeline to the Telegram group and ask for help with earning while doing absolutely no research or even reading the rules and regulations.

Things To Do For New Users

There are a few articles to help new readers and writers get started that can be found in the platform menus.  Other helpful pages are listed directly below.

Publish0x User Account Reference Guide is an easy to follow article for new users.

Further details and tips for writing articles is available at Publishing Popular Quality Content On Publish0x Tutorial.


Other Important Considerations

Cryptocurrency related articles are not the only thing that is accepted or featured on Publish0x, although crypto posts do tend to be more popular at the current time.

Lack of knowledge about cryptocurrency should not exclude any authors from success as a writer on the Publish0x platform. A small amount of reading and research can easily make a difference.

New users have an immense library of crypto related articles at their disposal. Any users determined to succeed have all the necessary information already available on the platform.

Following the work of prominent authors can help new users understand what type of articles are popular on the platform.  Be aware that every author should attempt to be as unique as possible for best results.  A little experimentation at the beginning can pinpoint what works for you and help you create your own niche.

The Telegram group is also a great source of help and info.  Users should do a reasonable amount of research before asking unnecessary questions in the group.  Publish0x veterans and staff are a storehouse of important tips and info but don't expect them to be your servants.  It is always good to do your own research before thoughtlessly asking for help.

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My last few articles:

Social Impact and Fostering Change for a Better World with Cryptocurrency
Decentralized Finance and the Disruption of Traditional Systems
Common Reasons Behind Failed Initial Coin Offerings
Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of CBDCs and Impact on the Crypto Industry Central Banks
Types, Mechanisms, and Pros and Cons of Privacy Coins
A Guide to Transforming the Crypto Industry using Layer-2 Solutions
The Impact of DAOs on Decentralization and Organizations
Exploring the Evolution of Smart Contracts Revolutionizing the Financial System
Custom Crypto Addresses with the Coleman Mnemonic Converter
Maximizing Earnings on Binance - A Comprehensive Guide
Pros and Cons of Leveraged Trading on Binance Exchange
Precautions and Tips to Consider When Using the One-Click Copy Trading Feature on Bitget

Thanks for reading!

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Publish0x internal links

How It Works contains a list of other important resources including Publish0x User Account Reference Guide.

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