Liquid Vitamin D3 - Designs for Health - How I went from weak and sickly to having a strong immune system

By smegnard | smegnard | 20 Feb 2020

Ok, so I will start off this post by saying that it is a bit controversial.

First off I will say that I am NOT a believer in flu shots. I believe they are a scam, BS, harmful.... and useless.
There is evidence that the flu is always evolving and that the shots we currently have are only fighting an old strain. I also believe that whether they admit it or not there are harmful additives that cause damage in the body.

You are entitled to your own opinion on that but that is mine. If you completely disagree then I respect your opinion but I have to do what is best for me and my family and resist flu shots.

That being said, I used to get sick CONSTANTLY... I found out that I have a dairy intolerance but quitting dairy completely only helped a little bit. I still got sick constantly.

I went to my chiropractor who is very knowledgeable in natural supplements and he ordered some bloodwork.
When my bloodwork came back it revealed that my Vitamin D levels were ridiculously low, someone with the flu could walk by and that's how I'd be spending my weekend.... shivering, vomiting.... lots of fun.

So my chiropractor specifically said that I needed to try this, Designs for Health Vitamin D3 drops. 1000 servings per bottle for only about 25 dollars and it is very high quality. My kids will take this stuff no problem because it has a sweet taste to it.

ONE TIME I accidentally bought a different brand of Vitamin D drops and my kids refused to take it because it literally tasted like burning plastic, so gross.

This seems to be the best price I can find it for, here on Amazon:

Designs for Health - Hi-Po Emulsi-D3 - 2000 IU Bioavailable Liquid Vitamin D,

After taking these drops for a month I started to feel a difference, after a couple months as my Vitamin D levels started rising I started noticing, "Wow! I haven't been sick once this month!!!"
Yes it had gotten rather sad, I was getting sick 2 or 3 times a month prior to taking these drops.

In the 1990's I remember my mother was into Natural Health but her Medical Doctor had her so paranoid that if she took more than 200 international units (IU's) of Vitamin D that she would risk getting Vitamin D poisoning.
When I first started taking these drops I was taking 5 drops a day! that's 10,000 IU's a day!

Especially in the United States, people are getting sick everywhere and one of the causes is sometimes that people are simply deficient in Vitamin D....

People I am not kidding when I tell you that I now get the flu about once every 5 years... usually because I just had to help take care of someone with the flu that was so weak that they needed my constant help and eventually I lowered my immune system by getting only a couple hours of sleep and my body simply couldn't fight it off effectively.

Compare this to my getting sick about 2, sometimes 3 times a month and it's nothing short of miraculous!

I love sharing my favorite life-changing supplements with you guys so I hope this has helped someone out there who is constantly getting sick! If you used this product or currently use it and have anything to say about it, please speak up!

To your health!

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