It’s The Only Way
I have been paying a significant amount of attention to up-and-coming staking projects of late. Even in terms of my writing, I have also focused a fair amount of attention on staking ideas and strategies. Much of this has been encouraged by the simple fact that many micro-caps simultaneously offer great staking opportunities. This becomes more of a no-brainer, the deeper you dive down this particular rabbit hole. The potential is enormous!
This is not only true in terms of short-term profitability, but also long-term income generation. However, without an extremely early entry, the power of this idea is lost. This has been an enormous motivator for me, regarding the accumulation of staking stacks. The current correction is a helping hand. Whether you are taking advantage of discount prices to build up a staking stack, or selling to repurchase lower, it’s helping you to achieve your long-term goals.
Of course, some fall into a state of paralysis. Like a rabbit caught in the headlights, they do nothing and miss out on a prime opportunity. It’s important to zoom out from time to time and ensure that you are practicing the appropriate course of action. In terms of my staking goals, I am looking to accumulate as much as I can over the next six months. It’s at this point that I will begin harvesting rewards.
Sowing & Reaping
This will be a few months after the halving, and statistically, when the market truly begins to rally. This is likely to result in ever-appreciating staking rewards. At least until the market tops out. I will be looking to stockpile these rewards as bear market provisions. For this idea to be lucrative, I have to build as much as I can, as early as I can. At A certain point, it becomes unwise/too expensive to keep stacking.
It’s at this point that the harvesting commences. The now appreciated token valuation shifts from being an “expense” to a form of income. In other words, build when building costs are cheap, and sell when they are through the roof. This is an extended period of opportunity. Constant selling of staking rewards into an appreciating market, accompanied by strong volume is an investor's dream scenario. However, now’s the time to get busy.
In a perfect scenario, I would love to see a strong bounce, followed by a deeper correction. This would provide an excellent opportunity for those looking to appropriate a similar strategy and ultimately facilitate stack-building at discount prices. However, that is not guaranteed. Regardless of the future, certain alts are currently offering significant discounts. Generally speaking, the smaller the market cap, the deeper the correction… so, picking up micro-caps at these levels is a good idea, in my opinion.
This is especially true for longer-term investors. Within a few months, any losses incurred during the current volatility will likely be a thing of the past. However, you have to take action and secure your stake while “building costs” are low. I tend to focus on a few probable plays, with a significant focus on one particular opportunity. This is often motivated by a good risk/reward ratio, lucrative APR, or a favorable staking solution.
Final Thoughts
Any way you choose to look at it, the next 3 to 6 months are the final opportunity to secure a staking stack at reasonable prices. I am guessing that within a few months, what one can acquire, in terms of token allocation will be fractional when compared to what one can acquire at the current prices. If the market chooses to grant us further discounts in the coming months, great! However, I am not wasting the current opportunity.
Bearing in mind that many of these projects are offering an APR over 20% means that, over time, these rewards will eventually work in my favor. This is however not investment advice. These are my ideas and every investor should make their own decisions based on personal research, or with the aid of investment advice. Keep stacking… and see you next time!
First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.
This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.