Building A WEB3 Income For A WEB3 Future

By Sapphire Crypto | Sapphire Crypto | 10 Dec 2024

A Matter Of Perspective

Many crypto enthusiasts think about accumulation. The concept of buying low and selling high dominates their approach. There is nothing wrong with such an approach, in fact, I often address some of the best ways to achieve the benefits of such a dynamic. However, it can often be a very short-sighted approach. It’s important to have multiple approaches with passive or residual income being the primary objective. The long-term focus should be the prevalent strategy.

Speculative investments remain the primary focus of most Crypto investors. However, a single payday cannot be compared with ongoing income, especially when it increases over time. Passive income strategies can produce ever-increasing yields, ultimately enhancing one’s income. Isn’t this precisely what is required in an inflationary-based world? I have often addressed staking projects and the effect of early exposure. This is just one example of how income can increase exponentially over time.

The consistency of income is more important than a few isolated wins. Building income models is an approach that will become increasingly attractive once the market begins to plateau. However, why wait? Once again, the early participants of any idea always benefit the most. It’s important to always acknowledge and factor this into any strategy or approach. WEB3 continues to expand its income-generative capabilities. More recent developments such as DePIN are a good example.

WEB3 – The Foundational Core

I envision much of Crypto’s future growth in the WEB3 realm. After all, it’s foundational to the predominant sectors of the Industry. DeFi, SoFi, RWA, and DePIN all function on WEB3 rails. This is why WEB3 has such a significant future, even though it is somewhat marginalized. Building WEB3 income models should be the primary objective of any long-term investor or Crypto enthusiast. WEB3 facilitates expansion, making it the perfect solution for anyone looking to build an income model that will experience growth in the future.

Many alternative ideas lack the scope and potential of WEB3. They might provide attractive results. However, how will those results appear in the future, especially when compared to WEB3 models? This is an important point to consider. Long-term income models must have significant upside and potential for growth if they are to have any relevance in the future. I have addressed DePIN rather aggressively in recent months because it ticks all the boxes, regarding a long-term WEB3-based income model.


The beauty of WEB3 models is that they can complement and even serve one another. SoFi has proven to be a great starting point. Look at Hive for example and all the opportunities that have been birthed as the result of a SoFi foundation. The maturation of WEB3 is producing a state of evolution, and as a result, is constantly producing new and exciting ideas. This simultaneously provides ever-increasing opportunities for the WEB3 enthusiast.

An established WEB3 income model will benefit and grow alongside future expansion within the sector. This is another important point to consider. It’s a lot like the compounding dynamic and is almost viral. A model that feeds off itself to accomplish growth enjoys independence and strength. This places WEB3-based income models in a class of their own. Furthermore, WEB3 is the future, making it the obvious choice.


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Final Thoughts

This is an exciting element of the Crypto space. The advancements and opportunities within WEB3 are in overdrive! Many will look back on this period as one of the most lucrative periods in Cryptocurrency history. The only question is… will you look back with regret or a sense of satisfaction and achievement? I will leave you with that thought. All the best, enjoy your week! See you next time!


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This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.



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Sapphire Crypto
Sapphire Crypto

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Sapphire Crypto

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