Fishing from a boat

By Dadde87 | Pescatore | 10 Sep 2024

Boat fishing is one of the most appreciated and practiced specialties by most people, this fascinating technique is practiced both by those who own small boats a few hundred meters from the shore and by those who have larger boats capable of moving several miles from the coast to find more fruitful spots. It is a technique that is practiced both by hand using a line with a diameter generally supported by 0.6 0.7 mm to whose end the fishing system will be connected; composed of a line formed by two good-sized hooks suitable for receiving bulky baits such as large worms or pieces of fish and turning the same on a cork or Eva board when the prey is recovered. Another way to practice this specialty is to use a rod with a length between 3 and 4/5 meters to which a generously sized reel will be combined. The prey of this technique are the zip lines, the white sea breams, scorpion fish and the king and queen of the seabed, his majesty the dentex and the gilt-head bream.38e21e0ce0bba77f4240ca7cf460c6e247805ffe385acfd61fb86cd6257a6069.jpg

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