Blue crab

By Dadde87 | Pescatore | 17 Sep 2024

00203b2bd1cce0762bfa1c28012ebd7dd53e12144c59605a11e6b37c52b2b3d2.jpg839e44dbd95e9f38892dcb71342f9dc7d3a4970639342bd344d5427c16d49632.jpgThe Blue Crab or Blue King Crab scientific name callinectes sapidus rathbun, native to the Atlantic Ocean lives along the coasts of the American continent; it is the last of the alien species found in the Mediterranean Sea; it is so called for the bright blue color of its claws and legs. Currently the Blue Crab is present along our entire peninsula, it is large in size in fact measures 15 cm in length and 23 in width, it is aggressive omnivorous and voracious it feeds on everything it manages to capture. It is a very prolific species a female can deposit up to 8 million eggs in the sea, this species tolerates changes in salinity very well in fact we can find it in the sea in the mouths and lagoons. Ironically if in the Mediterranean this species is considered invasive so much so as to destroy entire oyster and mussel farms, in other parts of the world it represents an economic resource given its delicious meat. Sport fishing for this crustacean is carried out using cages containing fish scraps or meat where snares are placed in which the Blue Crab remains trapped with its claws being very voracious once the spot has been identified the catches will not be lacking.

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