The Sage Omar Khayyam

A song about the sage Omar Khayyam


Hello everyone, my dear friends! Today I will present you my new song about the great Eastern sage Omar Khayyam.

This sage lived more than a thousand years ago on the territory of present-day Uzbekistan. At that time, this was the territory of the Bukhara Khanate.

The great sage Omar Khayyam was a scientist, astrologer and mathematician. From an early age, he showed perseverance in studying the exact sciences and poetry. He wrote several hundred short quatrains, rubai.

His rubai were distinguished by wisdom and simplicity, they very accurately reflected the whole essence of that time, and after a thousand years they have not lost their wisdom.

I wrote this song myself, without composing it. She came up with it in my head, I just picked up the guitar and started singing. Rather, these are poems about the wisdom of the great poet of antiquity...

The song is illustrated with beautiful photographs of Uzbekistan. I wish you a pleasant listening experience!

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My name is Vladimir, I am a musician and a songwriter. I play a six-string acoustic guitar and perform songs of my own composition.

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Original guitar songs

Hi! My name is Vladimir, I play acoustic guitar, and I perform songs of my own composition.

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