The beautiful rose of love

A sad song about love roses


Hello friends! I wrote the song about love roses under the influence of a book I read about love with a sad ending.

Love is often cruel, there are often tragedies in love... But love unites us all.

It often happens that lovers quarrel insanely and reconcile, cheat on each other... Everything happens in love!

Love inspires us to create, love redeems everything...  The main thing is to carry love through the years and distances, and manage not to lose it along the way.

I wish you all great and pure love!  You need to believe in love and never betray your loved one. Never!

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My name is Vladimir, I am a musician and a songwriter. I play a six-string acoustic guitar and perform songs of my own composition.

Original guitar songs
Original guitar songs

Hi! My name is Vladimir, I play acoustic guitar, and I perform songs of my own composition.

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