An old friend is leaving

A good song about an old friend!


Hello, my dear friends! Today I will present you my new song about friendship and about an old friend... In my song, as in my life, there was one incident: My old friend boarded a train at the station and left forever... He left forever, never to come back in his life...

An old friend left and an old friendship ended. It just came to an end! Well, it's okay. Everything in this life ends sooner or later.

There were many different things in life, both good and bad, but life goes on. And perhaps a friend will have new prospects in life... An express train took an old friend away, the train flies into the distance, and the friend with it... Here's a sad song about an old friend...

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My name is Vladimir, I am a musician and a songwriter. I play a six-string acoustic guitar and perform songs of my own composition.

Original guitar songs
Original guitar songs

Hi! My name is Vladimir, I play acoustic guitar, and I perform songs of my own composition.

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