Beautiful Uzbekistan

A delightful song about Uzbekistan


Hello my dear friends, guests and subscribers! I love and respect all of you very much, and therefore today I will present you my new song about beautiful Uzbekistan. A country that I have wanted to visit for a long time and will definitely visit!

Uzbekistan is a country of beautiful architecture and minarets, a country that gave birth to brave warriors and great sages!

Uzbekistan has conquered my heart! I will stay with him forever...

What is worth only the city of Samarkand with a thousand-year history. The beautiful architecture simply amazes the eye, and Omar Khayyam and his rubai...?

I am delighted with the delicious food of this country, its traditions and culture. It's something...

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My name is Vladimir, I am a musician and a songwriter. I play a six-string acoustic guitar and perform songs of my own composition.

Original guitar songs
Original guitar songs

Hi! My name is Vladimir, I play acoustic guitar, and I perform songs of my own composition.

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