Choosing your career starts when you are still at school. You will have to choose a subject that is related to your career. For instance, if you want to become a doctor, you need to study science and choose biology. If you want to become an engineer, you should choose science and physic as a major. if you want to build your career in Information Technology, you should study computer science. You can be successful only when you choose your career in the subject you studied academically. However, this does not mean you cannot shift your career. Even when you want to shift, you should study the subject you want to build your career. The choice of career should also depend on your interest as well. When you are interested, you will be interested in acquiring relevant knowledge, you will also be interested in working in that field. You should also see if your career can make money.
How to Choose a Financially Rewarding Career
Recently, I read about a woman who quit her baking job to become a programmer and work at Microsoft within two years. According to her, she quit her baker job because she could not grow professionally and also wasn’t financially rewarding.
When it comes to becoming successful, a lot of people will tell you that you need to be passionate about the job you are doing, you need to have an interest in the job you are doing. However, more than passion and interest, you need to choose a career that is financially rewarding.
Interest can be developed. You are born with emotions and not with interest, you learn interest gradually. You might not be interested in data analysis, however, if you get involved in this field, you can develop an interest gradually. You might not be passionate about programming, however, if you start learning to program, you can be passionate about this field gradually.
The key to becoming successful is to build knowledge. The rest of the things will follow.
What to Do When You Hate Your Job?
I know a lot of people who hate their job but they can’t quit because they are either drawing a good salary from their existing job or are too afraid to lose the income opportunity, or perhaps are not confident enough to look for another job.
If you have been in this position where you hate your job, you will hear from a lot of people that you need to quit your job and follow your passion.
“Follow your passion.”
It feels nice to hear that, doesn’t it?
But from a practical standpoint, this is not practical.
If you don’t like your job, you have three options:
1. Stay in your job, it will give you financial security, and the financial freedom you need at the moment.
2. Start exploring, and explore multiple different fields, multiple industries, and multiple professions. Since you already have a job, you will not put pressure on your passion to make money for yourself. You will have a time
3. Slowly and gradually activate your side income, and in the long run, it will replace your main income.
The Best Earning Opportunities For Self-Employment
What options are available for generating income for self-employed individuals?
Writing: If you have language skills, if you have the ability to do research, and if you can write what you know, you can become a writer. When you are writing, just don’t jump to start writing, do a lot of research on the topic. After writing the book, also hire a book editor on freelancing sites and polish the book. Try to make it as professional as it should be, don’t appear amateur.
Online entrepreneurship: These are a lot of platforms where you can sell a lot of things such as physical items, digital items, and even skills, and generate income. For example, you can do affiliate marketing, FBA, or Amazon Merch on Amazon. You can do Print-On-Demand with Printful and Printify.
Video content creation: As a video content creator, you can earn from youtube, tiktok, and reels, as well as offer video creation and video editing services for businesses and individuals.
Choosing The Right Career: How to Become Successful in Your Career
In order to choose a career, you need to remember a couple of things, for example, if you are interested in the career or not, if you have skills and knowledge or not, and if the career has the potential to make money or not. The last requirement is most important because if you don't make money from your chosen career you will face hardship in life, you might even have to change your career. If you are not interested in the career option you will never be able to excel. If you don't have skills and knowledge how do you expect to become successful in your career? Some people even tell you that if you don't get your dream job you can continue doing the job you hate to do and in the meantime save enough money so that you can pay your bills as you struggle to build a career in the chosen area.
How to Become Successful in Your Career
No matter what kind of career you choose, a job, self-employment, or a business, the road to success in each of these career prospects is the same. Success is determined by how much effort you can put forth on your job, self-employment, or business. Whether you can become successful or not depends on how well you perform in your chosen career, how you surround yourself with the right people, how determined you are to take the difficult path, and how hard you can work.
You cannot get the fruit of success overnight. It takes time and you also need to put on a lot of effort. Success is something like planting a seed now and waiting many years to see the fruits come out from the tree.
Some chosen career allows you to explore new things thus helping you to become successful in different endeavors, whereas some career options are closed and do not allow you to explore things.
6 Tech-Based Skills To Learn For a Better Future
You can make your future better only when you are financially secure, you will become financially secure only when you have savings, investments, and assets. You can build savings, investments, and assets only when you earn well. You can earn well only when you have high-income skills. Here are 10 tech-based skills for your better future:
Coding: Coding is a high-paying skill, you can either work for big tech companies and draw fat salary or build your own business.
Cloud Computing: The future of computing is cloud computing. Jeff Bezos understood this many years ago, and now 76 percent of the money he is making comes through cloud computing services.
Data Analytics: Businesses, non-profit organizations, and government institutions make use of data to build new policies new, build new products, and new businesses. Therefore, for a better future learn data science.
SEO: If you want to start ahead whether as a self-employed individual or a business, you need to know SEO. SEO can make you discoverable on the internet.
Social Media Marketing: The future is social media because social media will become the ultimate place not only for meeting people but also finding information, doing business, etc.
Web 3 and Metaverse: In the future, people will spend more time in the metaverse than the real world, therefore, flex your muscles to learn this tech-based skill.
Choosing the Right Career: Things to Know
In order to build a career, you will have to look into three things, one, your interest, two, your capabilities, and three money-making potential. All of these three things are required, you cannot leave any of these while choosing a career. Your chosen career should be something that you are very much interested in. If you are not interested, you will never find pleasure in your work, and you are less likely to become successful. Your chosen career should also be something in that you have knowledge, skills, and expertise. If you don't have any of these, you can try learning. However, not everyone can learn everything. Everyone has his or her own brain capacity. You will have to remember this. The third important thing is your chosen career should help you to make a lot of money, if there is no money in the career, despite your interest, or knowledge, you should give up and try something else.