Christam ham is coming !

By OlivierM | Olivier | 23 Nov 2022

It's never too soon thinking about Christmas meal !

In french Guyana, one of our traditionnal christam dish is the Christam ham. I's a heritage from the european colonization but here mixed with a sweety slaty taste !

Some people say that you must be a chef to achieve this. Not at all ! It's very easy, fast to prepare and not expensive !


You have to anticipate your preparation 2 days before being served.

First find a nice, whole and big ham at your butcher's shop.

Back to your kitchen, remove the rind and cut some incisions.



Prepare a sweety salty mixture with honey, soy sauce and cinnamon. No matter the quantities !

Garnish the ham with cloves, garlic, onion and pineapple's rings.



Put your ham in the mixture. You can let it steep in your fridge 2 days long. Your frigde will be like a heaven of flavor !

After 2 days, you can bake it in your oven (375°F) 2 or 3 hours.



Don't forget to regularly flip the ham and spread the sauce on the top.

The skin must be caramelized !

Now you can envoy and cut some tasty slices as appetizer !


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