Grow Your Future in the Yard!

BitYard is a one stop trading platform that has caught my interest. Here are a few highlights:  With BitYard, you can conduct spot trading of mainstream and altcoins.

BitYard also makes trading tools like grid trading and copy trading available to those new to the crypto game in order to make trading quicker and easier. 

Additionally, contract trading is available which enables users to trade in cryptocurrencies, forex currencies, indices and commodities. This way you can expand your portfolio as you see fit.  

Among coins already listed on BitYard, I am most interested in 6 new trading pairs that were just listed on BitYard: POWR, ADX, BLOK, VLX, NUM, and GLM with USDT.  Research these as they could be trendy picks for 2022 and beyond.  

A prediction I am making for 2022 is for SHIB to gain momentum and go on another large bull run. The price has fallen in the last few months to a level which looks like value in my eyes as more exchanges now have it listed as well as increasing ways to spend your SHIB. While on the subject of SHIB, BitYard is donating 50,000 SHIB through The Giving Block for each post that tags MyCryptoOutlook2022 and TheGivingBlock, so get to work and support great causes with the folks at TheGivingBlock!

TheGivingBlock helps change the world by allowing over 1,000 nonprofits to accept crypto donations.  Give #TheGivingBlock a look and your love if you choose!

You can be assured when using BitYard; it is licensed by national institutions in the U.S., Singapore, Australia, and Estonia.  Shout out to BitYard and don’t forget to Grow Your Future in the Yard! You can start by using the link below, when you sign up you get a mystery box with free crypto!


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