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Liquid Staking On The Polygon Network

As more and more people turn to Polygon for lower transaction fees you may wonder, how can I stake my tokens on the polygon network. The strategy that I use the most is a DeFi company called Stader Labs. They allow you to stake your polygon tokens without the lockup or bonding and you can unstake at any time time. In addition, you will get a token called MATICX. This the token that will accrue your rewards and can be traded at any time. There are also several liquidity pools on balancer and Quickswap that allow you to increase your yield even more. As a side note as of the writing of the article there are large liquidity incentives if you stake you stake your maticX in combination with Stader Labs governance token (SD). All of this information is available on Stader Labs website if any clarification is needed. I hope you enjoyed the article. Please leave a tip! 

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