$Bombie p2e telegram game

By Eykiey | MIRKHO | 9 Nov 2024



💎 YescoinBombie 🔫


We are pleased to announce great collaboration with Yescoin!🔥


👉 About Yescoin

Yescoin is one of the largest and fastest-growing mini-apps on Telegram. Designed to usher millions of users 

into the transformative world of Web3. Yescoin is not just building a platform, but connecting users globally and shaping a decentralized future.


🔫 About Bombie

Survive the Apocalypse, 🪂Airdrop is Key! 

TGE 100% and drop 70% to community! Explore abandoned cities, uncover mysterious Airdrop, and gear up to the teeth! You are the savior in the apocalypse!


Click to get coins while killing zombies!


Kill Zombies,Earn $Bombie! 🪙

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