motor grader

What You Need to Know Before Buying a Motor Grader

By jordantin | jordantin | 9 Jul 2021

Motor graders are an essential element in a construction and farm site. They are still used to smooth large areas in a field and build gravel roads. But again there is a wide range of uses of the motor grader that make them an important investment. Thus, certainly doing some homework ahead of time can make a lot of difference in buying the right motor grader for the best price that fits your needs.

With so many motor grader brands and models now in the market, it can be difficult to work out which one among them is perfect for your fleet? In this guide, we are going to discuss tips for buying a second-hand motor grader and make the purchase as easy as possible.

Know the purpose of buying:

Since, motor grader comes in a variety of forms and sizes as well as a costly investment, buying the perfect grader for sale in terms of quality and price is important. Choose the one understanding your scale of operation, if you are using them full time or part-time. Note that some motor graders are fit to make smoother fields, while others are suitable for grading purposes, choose the one that is crucial for your exact requirement.

Pay attention to the frame of the machine:

If you are at the market, for a used motor grader for sale, take a closer look over their frame condition. Check for any sign of rust, corrosion or metal reinforcement placed over the frame. If found, ask the seller whether the repair and maintenance work is carried out by a qualified professional or not. If possible look for the servicing and maintenance document.

Inspect the circle surface:

Check for the operation or proper maintenance of the operating circle. A misaligned circle can make a fine grading task a difficult task. Thus, it's necessary to check for the sign of wear (cracks, dent, welds and plates in a circle) or uneven wear on pinion gear teeth. Put the circle at its full range by starting the motor grader and check for how the circle operates in this condition.

What is the engine power?

The efficiency of an engine is directly related to machine performance. Hence, it's vital to consider engine power before buying a motor grader. With the motor grader power ranging between 100-200 hp, choose the one that suits your job requirement.

Check the moldboard:

They are the most vital part of the grader used in smoothing the ground as well as grading. However, the cutting edge of the moldboard may wear off, with constant use. Thus before buying the machine, make sure cutting edges are straight, aligned in their positions, their rails are smooth and have no sign of damage. If there is any sign of deterioration, it's always economical to replace the cutting edge of the moldboard.

Check the articulation point and linkage system:

Inspect the articulation point and linkage system as well. It is vital that the back, as well as front end of the motor grader, are aligned and at the same level. A cab sitting above the engine compartment or vice versa can be a warning sign of a bent or loosened articulation point.

Also, walk around the motor grader and take a closer look at the linkage system. Check if the stress or strain from the turned tyre is possibly damaging the frame or linkage system of the machine. Pay attention to the inside of the frame and front axle for any sign of damage.

Checking hydraulics is a must:

Carry around the visual inspection on the ground beneath the machine for the fluid leaks to correctly determine the health of hydraulics. Fluid levels, drainage systems and leaks should be kept in check as they may cause power loss when left unchecked.

Once the inspection is completed, now check for the cylinder, lines and hoses in and out the engine compartment to ensure the performance of the machine is not compromised.

Inspect outside the cabin:

Light lenses, mirrors, windshield wipers and windows should be checked for any damage or cleanliness issues and must be topped up when required.

Check inside the cab:

Inspect the Pedal travel, seat adjustments, belts and mounting for any wear or adjustment. Also, ensure all the horns, lights, alarms are working properly.

Cost of the motor grader:

Last but not the least, the price of the used grader for sale is again an important deciding factor. Just pay attention to your budget, your requirements, inspect them based on the above tips and compare different brands, and you are good to buy the perfect companion for your farm or construction site.

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Jordan Martin is an Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. He is very passionate about photography, interior design and DIY projects.


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