
The best of my articles from 2022

The best of my articles from 2022

In today's article, I wanted to cover what was according to the stats some of my best-performing articles of last year. I wanted to discuss why I think these articles blew up and were so popular amongst readers. I also wanted to cover why I decided to go ahead and write these articles. Links will be provided below before I explain the articles if you want to read them before I break them down. With that being said let's get into the best articles written by me from 2022.



The cost of Russian sanctions

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In this article, I covered the effects of the Russian sanctions on markets worldwide. I covered everything from the prices of goods to inflation. Not just topics referring to investor markets or markets everyday citizens use. I covered everything so if you an investor you're covered if you're just a regular person who just wants to know what it's going to cost them then you're covered. This article has something for everyone and I think that's one of the reasons why I decided to write it. But another big contributing factor as to why I decided to write this article was also because at the time the Russo-Ukrainian was just starting and was everywhere in the news. At the time not too many people in the media were discussing the effects of the sanctions as much as the media is today so I thought I would cover this topic. It turned out to be a success for me as it was my most-viewed article of 2022.




My top 5 passive income apps

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In this article, I went over what was my top five passive income apps I have used personally. The main reason I think this article blew up was because of one I think this article had gathered some of the attention from readers reading the cost of Russian sanctions article as this article was published shortly after. Second I covered what was at the time my top 5 passive income apps that were making me the most passive income on my phone. So I believed people were also getting good results as I was and shared my article with others. This brought in more traffic and my analytics backed this statement to a degree with the data it collected. I decided at the time of writing this article that I really wanted to make another hit piece again so I went through a list of article ideas I had and thought that this would do the most views and engagement. I guess I made the right decision because this is one of my most popular articles by me for 2022.




Apps that make passive income 2.0

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This is another article covering apps that make passive income from your phone. But this time I had an article rewriter redo the article for me as I wanted to test the tool and see how well it worked. It covers the same thing as my previous article that it rewrote all it has done is make it more readable and more professional. It covers from what I could find at the time some really good passive income apps. Some of which I still use to this day. I think this article blew up and became more popular than the original article because it was written a lot better, I had a bigger audience, and just more reach in general.




Why keeping money in the bank isn't smart

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When I was writing this article I had no intention of it becoming so popular. I had just decided to write this as part of my daily articles and just wanted to cover quickly to my readers why keeping all your money in the bank isn't smart. The reason I think this got so much traffic was that someone had shared it with someone else and from there it just started to get more views. This was to me my least expected article to become popular. I really had no plan or strategy to try to make this article a hit. But I guess in the end that actually did the opposite and made it popular.




Why this crypto bottom is the best time to buy

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This article is my most recent article to become popular and see above-average numbers. Now this time I did try to make it a hit piece and it did work but not in the way I wanted it to or in the way I expected it to. Because this article really started to garner attention months after it was published. Now the information in the article is still all true but I thought it would be more relevant when I published it instead of months later. The reasoning I can find as to why this blew up is because possibly I talked about us coming within this price range in the article and we have recently gotten there. With the possibility of dropping even below what I had stated in the article is a real possibility. But in the end, I reached my goal with the article so I can't say I'm disappointed with the results.




Bonus article

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Although not written by me I thought I would still include it since It's published on my account and I had it made. But if you're a regular here or have been reading here recently you know Jarvis. If you don't, however, you can read an article to read more about him but to keep it simple he is an artificial intelligence who can write articles. The most famous article he has written for me is How to make money according to a A.I. He explains some good points and I think it is worth reading if you want to learn what an A.I has to say about how to make more money. It seems others would agree with me as well since this is Jarvis's most popular article written on my blog.






My Final Words

If you enjoyed the blog leave a like and share it on social media. Leave me some feedback with your comments to let me know how I did. Let me know what you liked and what you didn’t so I can improve the blog. All your likes and comments are deeply appreciated. They motivate me to write more and better blogs and help me expand and help spread the word. Make sure to follow the blog to stay up to date. You can also follow the blog’s Instagram where I post daily content as well as letting people know when my new blog post drops and I also give out my crypto trades on there. Then there’s also my website where you can put in a submission form to let me know what topics you want me to cover along with other things such as referral codes and affiliate links. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it.

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I am a blogger dedicated to writing about passive income and crypto and just making money online in general

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