My Dividend Trap Mistakes Exposed

Bienvenidos mis ositos, tu siempre eres mis queridos! (Welcome back little bears you are always my dears!)

Sigh, this blog was named How to transition from TradFi to DeFi but now I’m forced to crawl back on my hands and knees to TradFi for some yield.

I’ve run out of good crypto topics to post about.

Rather than spread crypto copium and hopium let me scour the TradFi world for money making opportunities.

It’s time to confess my dividend sins.

Good companies can often mean expensive stock, but what happens when you buy them at the wrong time?

In this video I review two of my dividend stock blunders.

Normies need content too you know!

If it’s not too much trouble could you like and subscribe too? Help a panda get to 100 Youtube subscribers so I don’t have to perform shameful acts with Troll’s Granny!

This fat panda hasn’t even made a cent from Youtube yet!

Publish0x Troll: Hey what’s with all the begging and TradFi content lately?!?

Panda: Well, at some point a Bitcoin spot ETF will be approved!

Publish0x Troll: So?

Panda: Then there will probably be options traded on this ETF. Maybe Yieldmax or Defiance will come out with Bitcoin option yield ETFs! I need to get my loyal subscribers prepared!


Publish0x Troll:  Are you bribing us with suggestive photos?

Panda: Why not? I need to notify people of the mistakes I’ve made and that my portfolio is going under some construction!


Please use my affiliate link for the Moomoo trading app if you want a great and mostly free trading app.

Sometimes my main trading app Tastytrade doesn’t allow certain trades or set them to close only (like NVDY). That’s why it’s good to have backup trading apps just in case.

If you can’t or don’t want a new trading app please leave a tip at the end of this post!


Obviously none of this is formal financial or tax advice. You need to find qualified professionals in your jurisdiction.

Be sharp, stay hungry let’s get that money!


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Suerte Panda
Suerte Panda

Fuzzy Defi Enthusiast

How to transition from TradFi to DeFi
How to transition from TradFi to DeFi

The easiest way to convert DeFi infidels is to show them modern versions of TradFi services that they already use.

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