My experience with the Earnathon Airdrop

By Albin | funcrypto | 5 Mar 2021

I discovered and joined this airdrop from a publish0X blog. The sign up was easy with only an email, password, and email verification required. The site is easy to use, with just 4 buttons across the top: FAQ, Explore, Dashboard, and Settings. Explore is where you can go to their courses and earn. Dashboard show you your wallet and balance. Settings shows your email and password.

I went to explore and did their "Evolution of Money" course. It was in 4 short segments, each followed by a one question quiz. A young lady narrated each section. It was interesting that for each section she had a different hair style and/or color. She was very amusing and the videos were fun. You have earned $20 ENA upon completion of the course.  ENA is the native token of the Earnathon platform

Each quiz was choose one of 4 possible answers. The answers are:
1 Absence of foreign exchange crisis
2 It's a digital assets that can be transferred across borders without banking facilities
3 Cryptography and currency
4 2008

They list 5 additional courses as "Coming Soon". I do not know what rewards will be received for taking those courses.

With their referral program you earn $10 ENA for each referral.  My referral link is

The Rütli is a mountain meadow by the building in my header picture. It is on Lake Lucerne in the Swiss canton (state) of Uri. It is the site of the Rütlischwur, which is the 1 August 1291 oath taken at the foundation of the Old Swiss Confederacy by the representatives of the three founding cantons, Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden.  That was the start of the nation of Switzerland as those men swore independence from the Habsburg Monarchy.

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Happily married and we have 5 grown children. Retired software programmer.


A blog about having fun as you earn various cryptos. Faucets and other programs that you can use to fatten your wallet.

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