A Lesson From the Chinese Bamboo Tree

By Albin | funcrypto | 30 Mar 2021

What's up Friend, do you agree with the fact that nature is the best teacher?

if yes, then I got you a new coach, from nature. LOL! a bamboo tree! here's what I mean...

Like any plant, growth of the Chinese Bamboo Tree requires nurturing – water, fertile soil, sunshine. In its first year, we see no visible signs of activity. In the second year, again, no growth above the soil. The third, the fourth, still nothing. Our patience is tested and we begin to wonder if our efforts (cultivating, water, etc.) will ever be rewarded. And finally in the fifth year – behold, a miracle! We experience growth. And what growth it is! The Chinese Bamboo Tree grows 80 feet in just six weeks!

But let’s be serious, does the Chinese Bamboo Tree really grow 80 feet in six weeks? Did the Chinese Bamboo Tree lie dormant for four years only to grow exponentially in the fifth? Or, was the little tree growing underground, developing a root system strong enough to support its potential for outward growth in the fifth year and beyond?

The answer is, of course, obvious. Had the tree not developed a strong unseen foundation it could not have sustained its life as it grew.

The same principle is true for people. People, who patiently toil towards worthwhile dreams and goals, building strong character while overcoming adversity and challenge...

...grow the strong internal foundation to handle success, while get-rich- quickers and lottery winners usually are unable to sustain unearned sudden wealth.

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...just like the 80 feet bamboo tree!

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My header picture is an edelweiss. Unlike the bamboo, the edelweiss is a small plant that lives in the high Alps of Europe. It became better known from the movie Sound of Music, with the song line of "edelweiss, edelweiss, bless my homeland forever".

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