The Bear and the Strawberry Tree: The undisputed symbol of Madrid

By Edu_tus | edutusworld | 23 Jan 2025

The statue of the Bear and the Strawberry Tree, located in the emblematic Puerta del Sol, is one of the most recognizable and beloved monuments in Madrid. This sculptural ensemble, created in 1967 by Antonio Navarro Santafé, represents the bear leaning on a strawberry tree, an image that has been part of the city's coat of arms since the Middle Ages.
The meaning of this figure is deeply rooted in the history of Madrid. The bear symbolizes the fauna that inhabited the surroundings of the city in times past, while the strawberry tree represents the native vegetation. Together, they reflect the union of nature and urban development that characterizes the Spanish capital.

The monument, about four meters high and made of stone and bronze, is a popular meeting point for both Madrid residents and tourists. It is common to see visitors posing next to the statue or using it as a reference point to meet friends.
The Bear and the Strawberry Tree is not just a decorative element; It is an emblem of identity for Madrid, a symbol that connects the city with its history and remains an integral part of its present.

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