Make Money On BitYard, Free To Claim 258 USDT

Make Money On BitYard, Free To earn token

After much waiting, Bityard officially launched on April 1, 2020 Singapore time. Bityard offers incentives for users to make money on Bityard in many ways.

  • On the Bityard mission, when completed you can receive up to $ 258 reward.
  • Use the Daily Mining system to collect tokens daily.

Also you can trade on Bityard’s platform with many incentives.

So how to make money on bityard effectively, and also there are other ways to exploit Bityard or not. Check out the article below to learn more about Bityard.

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I. Instructions to register BitYard

There are two ways to register an account, one is to use an email and the other is to use a phone.

The two registrations are the same, see how to sign up via email to learn how, and do the same if you want to register for Bityard by phone.

Use e-mail to register for Bityard

  • Step 1

Enter the e-mail you are using.

  • Step 2

Click “Send”

Bityard will send you a verification code email, consisting of 6 numbers. Copy these 6 numbers and paste them into Captcha.

For example:

As the photo below the verification code is 132803.

  • Step 3

Enter the password, then click register to complete the registration process.


Link to register a BitYard account receives $ 258 for 9 tasks


II. Guide to make money on BitYard

To make money on bityard you can refer to the following ways.

1, Get rewarded for up to $ 258 for completing 9 missions

  • Go to Promotion

Complete quests and get free bonuses, 3 bonus tips up to $ 4 for free that are name modification, phone number verification, demo trading.

  • Edit the name.

Change your username, for example, I’m DinhNam.

You earn 1 $ free.

  • Edit phone number, e-mail

Add your phone number or e-mail, the system will send you a code, you enter that code to confirm.

You earn 2 $ for free.

  • First trade with demo account

The system gives you $ 100,000 for free, this money is demo only, not withdrawable, only for you to try trading.

You earn 2 $ for free,

Also you can do 6 other tasks to receive a reward, but Nam thinks it is not easy, only the first 3 are quite simple.

If you complete these 9 tasks, you will receive $ 258 from the bonus bityard for you.

2, Trading on Bityard

If you are a trader, or want to start learning your trading, no matter how much or little experience, Bityard is right for you.

By trading cryptocurrency pairs, you can make money with bityard, completely free of charge.

Starting from $ 4 on duty + extra free mining coins, when full $ 5 you can start trading on Bityard.

If you have the conditions, you can deposit money into the bityard to trade, but Nam does not encourage you to do it, unless you have a certain level of qualifications.


Link to register a BitYard account receives $ 258 for 9 tasks


Currency pairs are traded



3, Free cryptocurrency mining on bityard

One day up to you $ 1, daily work is in the Daily Mining section to mine cryptocurrencies.

Treat this as a game if you’re free.

4, Join the partner program (Affiliate)

This is the form of affiliate marketing, if you have good skills in affiliate marketing, it is possible to make good money with Bityard.

With commissions up to 60% when your friends have trades, this is an attractive commission rate, making a simple calculation.

When your friends trade $ 10 / day you get $ 6, if $ 100 is $ 60, if $ 1,000 is $ 600.

This is exactly how you should focus if you want to make money on bityard. Nam will show you how to get the link.

Go to Affiliate then copy the link below to copy the link to share with friends in any way that can increase income.

Specifically you can do the following

  • Make fanpage, group page to share.
  • You can use the social networks you are influencing to share.
  • Making videos to share on tik tok, instagram, youtobe …
  • Make a blog / website by school of product review
  • Run ads if you have the financial ability and hard skills.
  •  … creativity is unlimited, re-share the way you are doing effectively for everyone to learn offline.

Note here bityard calculated by the number of friends you recommend.

  • Refer 1 person:
    You only get 5% commission
    Validity period: Half year
  • Refer 10 people:
    You get 30% commission
    Validity period: Lifetime
  • Refer 30 people:
    You get 40% commission
    Validity period: Lifetime
  • About 50 people:
    You get 50% commission
    Validity period: Lifetime
  • Refer 100 people:
    You get 60% commission
    Validity period: Lifetime

So the more you recommend, the higher the chance of making money with your bityard, but completely free.


Link to register a BitYard account receives $ 258 for 9 tasks


III. Closing the article making money with BitYard

Note when conducting transactions

Digital asset trading is a new industry with strong growth prospects, but because it is a new field, it also contains enormous potential risks.

Especially in contract transactions, the multiple of leverage increases profits and also contributes to risks.

So before you join, you need to make sure you understand the relevant knowledge about this field, and about trading contracts and trading rules.

At the same time, Nam also gives advice to you, make the transaction within the risk that you can undertake. Trading has certain risks, please take the exam carefully.

Above, Nam has shown you how to register for Bityard, only when you have a bityard account can you manipulate and experience the functions of Bityard.

With many ways to make money with bityard, such as trading, free cryptocurrency mining, referring friends … hope to help people earn more income in difficult times like the current covid – 19.


Link to register a BitYard account receives $ 258 for 9 tasks


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Nam Dinh Trong
Nam Dinh Trong

Blogger loves cryptocurrency, Airdrop, start-up by building cryptocurrency exchange blog.

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Blog Cryptocurrency (Airdrop, Faucet, Exchange)

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