Airdrop Chainge Finance is giving away 200 CHNG tokens, receiving for free the possibility that the Airdrop Chainge Finance list of exchanges like Bibance, Okex is very positive, the price can be up to $ 1 / CHNG token or higher.
Get CHNG Tokens today by following the article below.
I. Guidance on registration for Airdrop Chainge Finance
There are 2 ways to register for Airdrop Chainge Finance:
Option 1: Use social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Wechat ... that you currently have to register for a chainge finance account.
Method 2: Use email to register, Nam will use method 2, which recommends that you also use email to register.
Click the link below to register for Airdrop Chainge Finance
Link to register Airdrop Chainge Finance
Step 1: Enter your Email to register and accept Chainge Finance's policies.
After entering your email in box 2, then click, check the words I agree with Terms & Condition and Privacy Policy
This means you abide by the policies of Chainge Finance.
Next, click Sign In Now to sign up for chainge finance.
Step 2: Verify you are not a robot by checking the popup
There will be a Popup to fight the robot, your job is to drag the slider using the arrow below to the specified position. When the patch is successful.
Step 3: Verify the email was sent to the email you signed up for
Check in the mail you registered can be found in the spam / spam folder, click Log Me In
Step 4: Link 1 social network, skip if you use social networks to register.
Click More + to add Facebook Twitter, Linkedin receive corresponding CHNG tokens, up to 200 CHNG.
You will see linkable and unlinkable social networks. In the picture of the Connect Wechat section, I have not yet linked, so I have not received 15 CHNG Tokens. If you want to link, press the + sign and follow the actions from the system.
FaceBook and Twitter I connected and then received 15 CHNG for each task, Tokens received in yellow, and ticked V in the Connected button.
After you have registered and added at least 1 social network account and phone number you can join the queue to continue doing Airdrop. This Join part will be in Waiting List position like mine is 852531 because I Join and should be ranked waiting.
OK, basically finished doing extra tasks to get more CHNG tokens.
Click the link below to register for Airdrop Chainge Finance
Link to register Airdrop Chainge Finance
II. How to get more Airdrop Chainge Finance
Basically only get 200 CHNG Tokens, however you can get more by sharing your reffer link with your friends.
How to do the following on Earn (1) click Referrals (2) Copy Link (3) then share with friends the link just copied to guide them to do as you did.
Receive 10 Tokens for a successful referral friend.
That friend shares with their friends you receive 3 Tokens, and 1 Token for level 2. 1 CHNG when they deposit money.
Section Amplifier you can post their posts to receive more CHNG when people see the article.
Click the link below to register for Airdrop Chainge Finance
Link to register Airdrop Chainge Finance
III. Overview of Airdrop Chainge Finance
Why Airdrop Chainge Finance is as good as Uniswap, 1Inch ...
1, What is Chainge Finance?
Digital banking application, send money to profit. Simple Chainge Finance is an app that allows people to become their own "Digital Banking".
Chainge's goal is to help people achieve financial freedom around the world.
2, Who is Founder Chainge Finance?
Founder of Chainge Finance is DJ Qian (Shanghai), co-founder of Anyswap, Fusion, Vechain, and QTUM, it is expected that Chainge Finance can list big exchanges like Binance, Okex, HuoBi.
DJ Qian is one of the most influential people, his projects are well-known projects in the crypto market, Chainge Finance is expected to list on major exchanges including Binance. , OKEx exchange, Huobi floor.
The main products in Chainge Finace's Defi ecosystem are DEX, staking, lending, wallet storage, Cross-chain wrapping, margin trading, liquidity mining, creating smart contracts in a few simple steps, and other businesses.
3, Is Airdrop Chainge Finance reputable?
The total supply of the Chainge Finance Airdrop (CHNG Token) project is calculated as follows.
Calculated according to the formula Total token distributed to the community x 10 = total CHNG supply
For example: giving 2M CHNG Token to the user, the total supply will be CHNG 20
The founding team does not own CHNG token which is very good.
CHNG project only distributes and offers Airdrop without selling CHNG Token (IEO, ICO, IDO) without raising capital through the project. Shows that their financial potential is quite strong.
Social networks marketing for the project.
In November 2020, there were about 2,000 participants to learn, by February 2021 ~ 1.6M users participated and learned. Enough to see how hot the attraction from this airdrop chainge finance project is.
On social networks like Twitter there are more than 21k followers, with diverse users, following regularly updated articles, with good interaction.
Their Instagram also has quite a few followers. However, they are not doing well in the youtobe segment.
So, Nam has finished introducing to you Chainge Finance Airdrop, you will have clear results immediately after doing so. Wait for CHNG Token list to sell or store to wait for the price to rise before selling.
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