
Newcomers Strategy

By Cryptowido | Cryptowido | 21 Jan 2021

Hello, following my first post, always aimed at Newcomers.

When you are new to Cryptos, you need to develop a Strategy that suits you.

You can think of cryptos as a hobby and only invest in projects that appeal to you like NFTs. You can be an investor because you see cryptos as one more way to diversify your fortune into a new form of asset. You can use investment methods like DCA (Dollar Cost Average) and select the cryptos that interest you. You can also develop a strategy that suits you better by taking more into account the volatility of the markets, your actions in the short, medium and long term. In these cases, you will not have to invest a lot of time in this activity.

On the other hand, if you have a lot of time but very little money to invest. You are going to need patience, persistence and a strong conviction.

I experienced this when i started in January 2017. As i said in my first post, i started earning cryptos with faucets and ptcs. In fact, at the beginning i also tried ptcs which paid in FIAT. After 2 months, i noticed that the sites paying in crypto were more profitable. The main reason being that these "FIAT Ptcs sites" often required an initial monetary investment. The gains were horribly slow with the free standard account, especially without referrals and just for the sites that really paid their members... I've seem so many scams that it would take too long to make a full list. I had invested small amounts in 4 or 5 of these sites to really test them (like GrandBux, Neobux, familyclix... i did few cashouts on these but not enough to cover my losses). In the end i wasted my time and money (around 100 $).

So, i only looked for sites that paid in crypto (especially in Bitcoin). Of course, there was a lot of scams, but at least i didn't waste any money, i just wasted time. Eventually i got a reliable list of sites that paid me regularly like coinpots faucets (unfortunately they will shut down) and other sites that you can find in my site Here. The rewards were small but i was convinced that Bitcoin has the potential to exceed 100 000 $ in the future. It is good to get an idea of the value of satoshis compared to the price of Bitcoin.

In 2032, the Bitcoin reward for miners will only be 0.78125 BTC (currently 6.25 BTC). Take a look Here.

I built myself a little crypto income with faucets and ptcs. Then a few months after Binance launched its trading platform, i opened an account to trade. Of course, i did good and bad trades, i have never traded before. I have learnd from my mistakes and i continue to learn. I only do Spot Trading (no leveraged trading yet).

My gain over this learning period is around 0.01 BTC. It's not a lot but i learned from my mistakes and it's much better than taking a loss.

Since January 2017, here are my earnings with faucets, ptcs and trades (a few airdrops from Coinbase and Binance) :

0.26 BTC
0.16 ETH
0.19 BCH
0.44 LTC
14000 DOGE
0.14 DASH
0.006 BSV
110 ADA
150 BAT
140 DGB
16 BTX
150 XLM
54 OXT
0.04 COMP
2.8 CGLD
0.0039 MKR
99 TWT
56 TRX
3000 POD
60 POT
25 BLK
+ all the coins i have on Crex24 for free
+ HNT / OXT / SAND / GRT / 1inch i will have from Coinmarketcap-Binance Airdrop

Note that i have almost no referrals (example : i have 55 referrals on and only 3 are active and my Autoshare is at 100 %, and for almost all the other sites, i have 0 active referrals).

I think i bought for approximately 0.2 BTC (when Bitcoin was around 1200$), but i lost approximatively 0.06 BTC with sites like genesis mining, familyclix, etc. in 2017. And i did a cashout of 300 $ when bitcoin was at 3000 $ with virwox in may 2017 (=0.1 BTC). 

Well i tried because i didn't know enough at that time. It was a mistake to test all of these sites, to make my first withdrawal as i might have 0.38 BTC now. Otherwise if i take into account my losses between January-May 2017, and the fact that i have 0.04 BTC left after all that, it's not that bad.

And in this 4 years period, i wasn't really active for almost 2 years. Were Faucets and Ptcs worth it for those gains in 2 years of real activity in crypto ? 

Obviously, now that the price of Bitcoin and Altcoins have increased, we no longer make the same gains with faucets and ptcs. But what will be the price of crypto in the future ? 

Thanks for reading my post, and i hope this experience sharing will be useful to you.

Publish0x Links : Newcomers - Newcomers Trading - Newcomers Conclusion - Trezor too BIG - Bitcoin Story - Crypto Potential 


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