My Crypto Investments Part 3

By Cryptowido | Cryptowido | 4 Feb 2023


As I have done in my previous posts, I continue to share my crypto investments :

28/01/2023 : 510.23 CHSB for 110 Euro
28/01/2023 : 567.5594 BGB for 118.880991924 USDT
28/01/2023 : 394.13465828 BEST for 125 Euro

CHSB is Swissborg's token.
BGB is Bitget's token.
BEST is Bitpanda's token.

I chose to invest a little on the tokens of a few centralized platforms.
Despite the recent crises of confidence, I continue to believe that centralized platforms will have their role to play :
Continue the adoption of cryptos because there will always be Newcomers.
To offer services like Coinbase Learn and Earn.
The Visa cards from which I have been using for two years already and the one from Binance which I have been using for two months.
These cards allow me to receive 2% cashback for my expenses.

I only leave the funds I need on these centralized platforms.
I have several wallets like Trezor, Trustwallet, Exodus, Keplr, Metamask, Electrum, Firefly, etc.
Thus my funds are divided into several wallets and several centralized platforms.
For me, it's a way of managing my risk : being able to diversify the storage of my funds.

There are always risks.
When we deposit funds in a centralized platform, we take the risk of trusting a third party.
When we deposit funds in a non-custodial wallet, we take the risk of being responsible for our private keys.
There have been many examples of people losing their private keys.

And in the history of mankind, how many examples do we have of people losing something or trusting the wrong people ?

I choose and apply strategies and methodologies that suit me.
Since October 30, 2022, I apply a custom DCA.

Finally, I think that the major advantage of centralized platforms is to be able to offer (or at least try) to save time for its customers.
There are always people who are not comfortable with technological tools and people who do not have enough time available.
People will always be willing to pay for services that provide some form of convenience and time saving.
Because time is our most precious asset.

I am just sharing what I'm doing in this crypto adventure. I have no advice to give, no real certainty about the future.

This is not investment advice. And the possibility that I'm wrong is also to be taken into account.
The crypto market is young, volatility is high, do your own research and measure the risks before making a decision.

Thanks for reading my post and happy Earnings :)

Publish0x Links : Newcomers - Bitcoin Miner Rewards Evolution - Bear Market or Not - Bitcoin Bear Market Bottom - Bear Market : Buying Time - My first crypto purchases for this Bear Market 2023 - My Crypto Investments Part 2 - Cosmos Ecosystem 


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