Configure Polygon/Matic network + getting free $MATIC

How to use Polygon based Defi complete guide - part 1

By Harry89PL | cryptoearner | 28 Jun 2021


I decided to do this full introduction on how to start using 2 layer solution called Polygon (before MATIC) where you don't need to pay high transaction fees like in Ethereum blockchain and it still is secure. 

In this article we will start with connecting to polygon network and getting free native token that we will use to pay for GAS in Polygon - called $MATIC.


There is only one requirement - you need to have metamask installed and configured (mnemonics saved in safe places and you are able to restore it on 2nd browser - better check it to not regret later)

Add network to metamask

So after you are done with installation and configuration of metamask it's time to add Polygon/Matic sidechain.

Here is view where you can add new network to your Metamask installation:

first step to add new network to metamask

On next window you need to put this information:

information to provide for Polygon/Matic network

If you don't want to add it manually then you can go to: and search for Matic mainnet in search input and simply connect your metamask wallet there.

From now on you will be able to choose Matic/Polygon Mainnet. To test it you can go to i.e. and try to login.

Getting MATIC for free

From this method you will be able to get up to 0.0015 MATIC per day. Here we go!

  • Go to matic faucet it looks like this

    matic faucet first look
  • Make sure that in your Metamask you have choosen previously added Polygon/Matic mainnet network

  • Resolve captcha and click on Connect button

    captcha  logged in view of faucet
  • Last step is resolving captcha one more time and click on Receive button. After few seconds you should see

    matic received screen

  • If you used all Matic you can get more up to three times a day (minimum 15 minutes between claims)


If you use Ethereum for some time then Matic/Polygon works the same but GAS fees are much cheaper. You don't need to invest any money to give it a try because of those free MATIC's given via faucet.

Let me know what do you think about such step by step tutorials for beginners.


All details about token can be found: CHAR personal token

My personal token can be trade on centralized exchange: kanga exchange CHAR-ETH

Don't have account at binance (get 10% from commision back on every trade): binance


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