How did I earn 4-digits figure in a few minutes? Airdrop magic $AMPL and $FORTH

By Harry89PL | cryptoearner | 23 Apr 2021

Today is the day when I've got my first ever airdrop of tokens.
How did this even happen? Here is the story of this incredible event (IMHO ;)).

I was using publish0x for quite some time now (joined July 2020). Since July 2020 I managed to make multiple withdrawals. I did that to on-chain wallets whenever I got minimal amounts available for ETH, BAT, LRC, AMPL.

Today, when I was checking my Twitter wall, I found a tweet with information that all AMPL holders should check if they are eligible for airdrop of tokens called $FORTH. I thought OK, LET'S CHECK. Few clicks later I found out that I was eligible to claim that airdrop! Yet I did not even dreamed of what was coming next!!

Let's make it clear -  in my head the eirdrop meant I would be getting a maximum of a few hundred bucks. Boy, was I wrong! I paid $23~ for the transaction fee and I've got tokens worth



I'm still shocked! Now it's time to decide what to do next since the price of $FORTH will be volatile in the nearest future.

Here are all proofs:
Transaction id: 
metamask screenshot of FORTH amount

Forth token contract address: 

Ps. And if you had AMPL on your wallet before 03/30/21 then check if you can claim it too on this site: 

Are you interested in Programming check my blog:

My personal token can be trade on centralized exchange: kanga exchange CHAR-ETH
All details about token can be found: CHAR personal token
Don't have account at binance (get 10% from commision back on every trade): binance

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Ways to earn crypto with and without investing money, deals, airdrops, defi.

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