
By TheRuneLion | CryptoCrossroads | 17 Nov 2024

Someone always has to go first, check the footing, see if things are safe, scout-ahead/blaze the trail. the 'Canary in the Coal Mine'.

here are some things I have been testing for a while and feel confident enough about to make mention of them. They have NO Mandatory requirement to involve out-of-pocket spending and that's how I am testing them under the concept of 'DYOR'.

If you want to test them for yourselves, please consider using my referral/Affiliate links??; They offer Tokenized real-estate opportunities and are quite well-regarded.


Valuezone; I've been testing them for a few months now, thus far not a single twitch, and they offer a way to test them without any money needing to be involved out-of-pocket.


MineInCloud; Offers a way to test out Cloud Mining without anything needing to be downloaded or any out-of-pocket expenses. I found them recently, but thus far they look pretty decently reliable. They give me two Referral/Affiliate links, thus you can have a choice as to which you might like to use.

Main page link and Survey page link below




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Author. Published with a few sales. I range from Hard sci-fi to space-fantasy but aimed at Mature Adults as sex IS very much part of the Human experience and I treat it as such in my stories. Very interested in Crypto as it is the future of Humanity.


I am pretty new to Crypto, but I am learning steadily. There's a lot to learn, but here is where I share the articles and information I have found most helpful, insightful and that others can benefit from as well.

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