Nutrition and Diet

Recommended Tags: Diet, Nutrition, Healthy Food, Healthy Eating. Just one is enough!

How To Control Cold Sore Outbreaks With A Balanced Diet

30 Jan 2024 3 minute read 2 comments Dusty Sparks

Cold sores outbreaks are a manifestation of the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) that you carry in your nerve cells. If you suffer from labial herpes (herpes) you are probably infected by the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1, but the type 2, generally associate...

10 Tips for Eating Healthy When Eating Out

23 Jan 2024 4 minute read 0 comments Hope E Davis

It’s easy enough to eat healthy at home when you only have access to the ingredients you’ve purchased from the store. But when eating out, it can feel impossible to land a nutritional choice on the go. Luckily, there are a couple of ways you can act...

Overcoming Inertia.... (Start is a BIG Word)

22 Jan 2024 3 minute read 0 comments 7th Decade Redhead

The thumbnail photo above was one my husband took of me back in 2014. I am about to attempt my first, and only, to this day, officially timed running event. It was a Color Me Rad 5K race in Houston, Texas. My friends and work colleagues talked (nagge...

Today (The Family Compound... yeah, it's a thing....)

20 Jan 2024 13 minute read 0 comments 7th Decade Redhead

A few days ago, I was sitting here in my jammies and fuzzy socks, a usual occurrence for a cold (14F) morning in Texas. We don't get these cold snaps very often. Our town is not prepared to deal with snow and ice, so when we get them, we are told to...

How To Meal Prep!

19 Jan 2024 1 minute read 0 comments Conscious Fitness

How To Meal Prep!I love creating 4 meals at a time! In this example, I share a simple meal of tofu, rice, and veggies, and how you can prepare all the food at once, to then be split up between 4 meal prep containers.The big key is knowing your recipe...

Hey! That's My Baggage..... (No, it's mine!)

17 Jan 2024 8 minute read 0 comments 7th Decade Redhead

I was talking to my sister the other day, and she was reminiscing about our sibling therapy sessions last summer. The extraordinarily rainy weather last summer gave us a lot of time to sit around and talk. Many revelations came to light. There were t...

You're strong... right? (Are you effing kidding me??)

16 Jan 2024 8 minute read 0 comments 7th Decade Redhead

"I wish I could more like you. You always walk with such confidence..."   Huh?.... This was something that was spoken to me about 15 years ago. I never really forgot it. It Easter Sunday at a church service, back in the day when our family were regul...

How Comfortable are you? (I'm not....)

15 Jan 2024 5 minute read 2 comments 7th Decade Redhead

It's been two weeks since our niece passed away and two weeks since my husband's family has had the worst day of their lives.  I still feel helpless with respect to how to help my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and my nephew.  Other than feed them, di...

Taking Semaglutide Without Taking Semaglutide

13 Jan 2024 5 minute read 2 comments 7th Decade Redhead

Back in mid-November, I put up a post about Ozempic and other similar drugs that people have been taking for weight loss. It was an 'Ozempic for dummies" type of post (which I, myself, needed).  I did some research to provide the basics of what these...

What Works for you.... Works... (It doesn't have to work for me)

12 Jan 2024 8 minute read 0 comments 7th Decade Redhead

One of the things I struggle with is thinking that my way of thinking and doing a diet, i.e. the calorie deficit diet, is the way to go for everyone. I truly believe that from a physiological standpoint, this is the best option for most people to los...