Nutrition and Diet

Recommended Tags: Diet, Nutrition, Healthy Food, Healthy Eating. Just one is enough!

Nutrition and Mental Health Part 6 - Micronutrients and DNA

12 Mar 2023 2 minute read 1 comment Heruvim78

  Let's delve a bit into our body biochemistry and DNA activity, once more. Our body is transferring methyl groups to our DNA, this being a vital action meant to regulate gene expression, billion times every second. Let me explain this phrase, as und...

How Should We Eat?

8 Mar 2023 7 minute read 0 comments amoebaflux

After college, I lived with two close childhood friends. My friend, who I’ll call Al, ate whatever he wanted. A pack of skittles on his way to the gym, a cinnamon bun from the gas station while filling up, and pizza for dinner was a common occurrence...

Nutrition and Mental Health Part 4 - Brain's basic needs and how to adress it

28 Feb 2023 2 minute read 4 comments Heruvim78

    We are entering now into phase 2 of all these discussions, talking about all the nutrients relevant to brain health, its basic needs and how to feed it, the nutritional makeup of the food, focusing on the micronutrients, how they maintain...

Nutrition and Mental Health Part 3 - Food categories

27 Feb 2023 2 minute read 5 comments Heruvim78

    In order to understand how this started, I will probably write a series of blog posts related to nutrition, mental health, and how they are connected. This time I will speak about food categories: We usually have 4 categories of food: fr...

Shopping guilt? No more!

27 Feb 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Artemis2

Good morning! How are you? Sorry for the long time without a new article (or whatever this is) but i finally finished my exams and i'm on the way to graduate! (please god make everything go smootly, PLEASE T-T). But let's talk about the meaning of th...

Nutrition and Mental Health Part 2 - Ultra-processed foods

21 Feb 2023 2 minute read 1 comment Heruvim78

  In order to understand how this started, I will probably write a series of blog posts related to nutrition, mental health, and how they are connected. This is the introductory post, and I will talk about ultra-processed foods.     There is...

Nutrition and Mental Health Part 1 - The mental health crisis

20 Feb 2023 2 minute read 3 comments Heruvim78

    In order to understand how this started, I will probably write a series of blog posts related to nutrition, mental health, and how they are connected. This is the introductory post, and I will talk about the current mental health crisis. Is...

Valentine's Day #CryptoCooking - Fish And APWine

19 Feb 2023 1 minute read 5 comments PVM

You should try to impress your partner with some #CryptoCooking every day, if not at least for Valentine’s Day! This time I was the one treated with some sweet love, as my wife ordered some heart cakes. I had to go and pick them up but sometimes we m...

Cruise in the Southern Caribbean. Day 3. Sushi restaurant "IZUMI" on deck 12 of the liner.

17 Feb 2023 3 minute read 0 comments lannabeiker

Describing the liner, I constantly tell you about the upper deck 9, on which the pool is located.The upper one is open, so it would probably be more correct to call it, because all decks from 8 and below are closed, that is, they have a ceiling.9 dec...

Homemade tart with spinach and feta cheese salad

6 Feb 2023 1 minute read 0 comments marianomariano68

Tarta for one of my favorite quick meals when there is not much time to invent sophisticated dishes and most of the ingredients are at hand. Tarta o jedno z moich ulubionych szybkich dań, gdy nie za bardzo jest czas na wymyślanie wyszuka...