Nutrition and Diet

Recommended Tags: Diet, Nutrition, Healthy Food, Healthy Eating. Just one is enough!

Sea Life Centre, PoolTogether And The Birmingham's Canals

6 Sep 2023 3 minute read 8 comments PVM

Once upon a time I visited Birmingham to visit the National Sea Life Centre. I had a good day out, hated the tangled roads and one-way systems, and had a lovely meal at the Slug & Lettuce!  Birmingham is the second-largest city in the United Kingdom,...

Making Your Own Healthy Granola

7 Oct 2023 1 minute read 0 comments LateToTheParty

It's been quite a while since the last time I published something. I've been rather busy with school and clinic as well as other life events. Even so, it's important that I maintain good fitness and nutrition. I would not have gotten through my packe...

Crypto Cooking - Travel, Cheese Bonanza and Web2 Time-Warp

21 Jul 2023 4 minute read 6 comments PVM

Few months ago I visited another famous British town, and found a place where the cheese is worthy for gods feasts! Rugby is one of the most popular towns in Warwickshire, well known for local attractions that are linked to ... rugby! This article is...

I Can’t Lose Weight Because…..(The lie I have to tell myself)

10 Sep 2023 4 minute read 2 comments 7th Decade Redhead

When I started my latest weight loss attempt, I had already been working out with some strength training and recumbent cycling for six weeks, so I was already in the habit of exercising, but that alone wasn’t enough because I wasn’t losing weight. I...

You're strong... right? (Are you effing kidding me??)

16 Jan 2024 8 minute read 0 comments 7th Decade Redhead

"I wish I could more like you. You always walk with such confidence..."   Huh?.... This was something that was spoken to me about 15 years ago. I never really forgot it. It Easter Sunday at a church service, back in the day when our family were regul...

Do you know that strawberry does not occur naturally in nature?

13 Nov 2019 1 minute read 1 comment marianomariano

In the picture Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) Strawberry from my own crop Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duchesne) - a hybrid of two species of wild strawberries from the Rosaceae family (Rosaceae Juss.). It has many names: pineapple, wild str...

A Fusion Carrot Cake!

20 Mar 2023 2 minute read 8 comments Duvinca

Hello! Something sweet and nice? Surely we have all heard of the famous carrot cake, many of us have even tried it, because it is very good. And well, why not in addition to the classical big cake, I think we can also make a simpler and faster cake,...

Do the Stuff You Want to Do (Stop punishing yourself)

3 Feb 2024 8 minute read 1 comment 7th Decade Redhead

If you follow this blog, you may have noticed that I went 'dark' for a week or so. My husband and I went on a planned road trip to visit my daughter and her boyfriend (they cohabitate, and yes, I'm fine with it). She had recently been made a partner...

How Comfortable are you? (I'm not....)

15 Jan 2024 5 minute read 2 comments 7th Decade Redhead

It's been two weeks since our niece passed away and two weeks since my husband's family has had the worst day of their lives.  I still feel helpless with respect to how to help my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and my nephew.  Other than feed them, di...

Playtime is OVER (You gotta love Red Foreman....)

28 Dec 2023 3 minute read 2 comments 7th Decade Redhead

One of my favorite TV shows several years ago was "That 70's Show." I grew up in the 1970s, so I was able to watch my teenaged angst from the outside and laugh at how silly we were back in those days. As far as I'm concerned, they nailed teenage life...