Nutrition and Diet

Recommended Tags: Diet, Nutrition, Healthy Food, Healthy Eating. Just one is enough!

What is a nootropics ?

1 Nov 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

  What is a nootropics !? Nootropics are a class of substances that are said to be intended to improve brain function, they can be synthetic or natural, and while these substances won't give you superhuman abilities, they can help you feel more alert...

Top Tips to Start, Improve or Maintain a Beautiful and Productive Garden

23 Oct 2022 1 minute read 1 comment Latino Winner

  Our home-garden in Australia took us nearly 3 years of daily work to turn it from a barren-lifeless one into an entertaining, very productive and comprehensive one and you can do it too!. Main ingredients are : Love, Consistency and Care. With frui...

Saturday Sarcasm #11 - Crypto Cooking is back with fresh flavors!

1 Oct 2022 3 minute read 4 comments PVM

Consider this as a spoiler alert ... as #CryptoCooking is back! This sarcastic article will fill your belly with good food and your mind with crypto opportunities! Are you hungry for money and thirsty for knowledge? Let's blow your mind with some KF...

Real and good fast food

23 Sep 2022 2 minute read 4 comments Duvinca

We are surrounded by fast food, everywhere, on every corner... it smells when passing through some street, they bring it to our house if we don't want to go out. Everything easy, fast and comfortable, right? But we know that all this is not really go...

#TacoTuesday 9/6/2022

7 Sep 2022 1 minute read 2 comments Fred flinstone

Hello guys todays tacos of choice are "Homemade tiny tacos  (Thumbnail image is NOT 100% of the final out results will very only used for demonstration  purposes only) List of ingredents  * bag of faja frozen chicken strips *Bag Of shredded cheese *...

A lifelong market

27 Aug 2022 3 minute read 6 comments Duvinca

What a pleasure to get out of the routine of the week and walk around an open-air market! Yes, it's Saturday and there is a market in the most important square of the town. It is a sensorial plan for a Saturday morning, a cool and different way to st...

Interview with finished Pizza

14 Aug 2022 2 minute read 3 comments BlueFlipper

Hello to all Publish0x Family! How are you? Are you Enjoying ETH coin? If yes then have a pizza with me. Sorry my dear readers I was busy and not able to reach my daily goals of blogging. Actually I was preparing for a job interview. Already you peop...

Banana bread

12 Aug 2022 2 minute read 14 comments Duvinca

Surely it has happened to all of us at some point, we have bought fruit or vegetables and we have not eaten them all, some remain in the fridge or in the fruit bowl, and begin to ripen, perhaps too much, so we have to eat them quickly because otherwi...

Dehydrating - A Great Way To Store Food For Winter

9 Aug 2022 4 minute read 0 comments SweptOverNiagara

In my previous articles, I wrote in detail about my backyard garden. Now, as we're passing through the second week of August, most of my plants are flourishing and I've collected a huge bounty of kale, basil, lettuce, onions, beans and zucchini. The...

Blue tomato

3 Aug 2022 2 minute read 10 comments Duvinca

In the world there are always things that surprise us, sometimes we think that we know a lot or that more or less we have everything "very seen" but any strange detail can attract our attention even if it is something small, unimportant... Well, thin...