12 Monkeys

If You Want To Know How The Coronavirus Pandemic Could End You Should Watch This

By B18 | B18 | 25 Feb 2020

I will try not to spoil it for you.

12 Monkeys is one of my favourite time travel movies, an intense film not a Back To The Future type.  Directed by Terry Gilliam, a member of the comedy troupe Monty Python.

Terry Gilliam

12 Monkeys is a 1995 cult classic starring Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis.

Bruce Willis plays Stephen Cole, a prisoner of the state in the year 2035. He can earn parole if he agrees to travel back in time and thwart a devastating plague. The virus has wiped out most of the Earth's population. The remainder live underground because the air is poisonous. Stephen Cole is sent to the year 1990, 6 years before the start of the plague............

Brad Pitt plays Jeffrey Goines, the son of Dr Goines virologist. Jeffrey Goines meets Stephen Cole in a psychiatric facility.


Critic Reviews

Ed Potton, Times(UK), October 12 2018

This dystopian time-travelling sci-fi is a reminder that the director can make films that are visually inventive, intellectually engaging and downright exciting.

Peter Stack, San Francisco Chronicle, January 1 2000

A potent glimpse of doom with a jarringly familiar ring.

Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly, December 27 1995

(Gilliam) turns a world falling apart into a funky, dizzying spectacle.



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Bought our 1st pieces of BTC, July 2017. The process was daunting and confusing. Could easily given up & put it in the too hard basket or have fallen victim to one of the many scams or pitfalls. Grateful to a friend of my son's, who had been in this space for awhile, giving me some good advice & steering me in the right direction. That experience has helped shape my desire to share what I learn. Also always had a morbid fascination with Snake Oil Salesman & their sales pitch; Bitconnect, USI Tech..

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