A Brief Bitcoin History Lesson - The Faucet - 2010

By B18 | B18 | 23 May 2020

The year 2010 was a different time. The term Magic Internet Money had not entered the common vernacular.

The approximate value of Bitcoin in 2010 was:

August 23, 2010  - Bitcoin had a value of $US0.06                                   

December 27, 2010 - Bitcoin had climbed to $US0.29



Gavin Andresen was lead developer for a part of the Bitcoin digital currency project. Gavin discovered Bitcoin in 2010, quickly recognising the brilliance of its design.

The Bitcoin Faucet

Soon after discovering Bitcoin in 2010, Gavin created a website called The Bitcoin Faucet. 

Get Bitcoins from the Bitcoin Faucet

I'm giving away 5 bitcoins per visitor, just solve the "captcha" then enter your Bitcoin Receiving address and press GET Some:


How do I get a Bitcoin Receiving Address?

Download and install the Bitcoin program from At the top of its main window it will show you Your Bitcoin Address.

I've got Bitcoins; how can I help?

Send the to the Bitcoin Faucet at 15VjKaDX9xpbA8LVnbrCAFxrVxN7ixXNsC and they'll be given away. It may take up to 30 minutes for your donation to be added to the amount available.

Whats the Catch?

No catch - I want Bitcoin to be successful, so I created this little service to give you a few coins to start with. - gavin


Gavin Andresen



Gavin centre stage during the 2014 Web Summit.

More recently in 2017 Gavin expressed support for rival currency Bitcoin Cash, stating

Bitcoin Cash is what I started work on in 2010.

I bet that when down well in certain circles.

The End

Can I please borrow someones time machine and a couple dollars.
Promise to return both!!!
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B18 Verified Member

I am a sun sea and sand person, chocolatier, grows organic vegetables, rides a Vespa and collects crypto.


Bought our 1st pieces of BTC, July 2017. The process was daunting and confusing. Could easily given up & put it in the too hard basket or have fallen victim to one of the many scams or pitfalls. Grateful to a friend of my son's, who had been in this space for awhile, giving me some good advice & steering me in the right direction. That experience has helped shape my desire to share what I learn. Also always had a morbid fascination with Snake Oil Salesman & their sales pitch; Bitconnect, USI Tech..

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