The Smart Wallet Series: On User Loyalty, with Petr Rudenko (1inch Wallet) and Ivan Manchev (Ambire)

By AlpinaBG | Ambire AdEx | 5 Oct 2022

Episode 11 of Ambire’s Twitter Spaces opens an invitation to understand and engage Web3 users

📢 New week, new Ambire Twitter Spaces: this time around we’re looking at how to build user loyalty in the Web3 space.

📆 Mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 5th, at 17 UTC — on Ambire Twitter.

Read on for the full scoop ⬇️

🎯 Design, reach & loyalize

Last episode we 🤓 geeked-out (and had a laugh) hearing about account abstractions and how they make smart wallets a powerful match for EOAs. Next, we’ll see how smart product design can start the road towards user loyalty.

Megan is hosting Petr Rudenko, Product Marketing Manager at 1inch, who will be joined by our own Ivan, Ambire Communications Manager.

Petr is a growth specialist bringing people insights, as well as the passion and experience of recently launching 1inch Wallet. Ivan is a web2-turned-web3 marketer with a strong product background. They will share how to design and market relevantly for web3 users, engaging them in search of the holy grail of ✨loyalty✨

Speaking of engagement…👇
➡️ We’re keeping our tradition of creating fun activities surrounding the Ambire Twitter Spaces: check-out our Discord or Telegram to see what crypto-(sur)prizes await and how to win them.

And meanwhile, feel free to bring us your thoughts and questions about smart wallets and user loyalty — we’re happy to talk crypto or just hang, so go ahead, hit us on Ambire’s socials 📲

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