The Smart Wallet Series: Account Abstractions vs. Smart Wallets, with Louis Guthmann (StarkWare) and Ivo Georgiev (Ambire)

By AlpinaBG | Ambire AdEx | 28 Sep 2022

Episode 10 of Ambire’s Twitter Spaces looks into solutions for interoperability and asset management in the EVM ecosystem


🔥🔥🔥Ready for # 🔟?

We’re going to nerd-out on Ethereum accounts and smart contracts 🤓 and it’s gonna be fun 😆

17:00 UTC on Wednesday, as every week. On Ambire Twitter.

Exploring smart wallet capabilities 🕵️‍♀️

Last week’s talk was hyped on approaches and tools for curating communities and organizations in the crypto space 🏘

🔎 This week we’re gonna take a closer look at account abstractions and what they unlock for smart wallets. As usual, our host Megan DeMatteo will steer the talk, while resident guest Ivo Georgiev, Ambire CEO, rejoins us. They will be welcoming Louis Guthmann, Ecosystem Lead at StarkWare.

Louis is a product manager and blockchain researcher. He holds two M. Sc. (Computer Science and Business Administration) and comes from a ML (Machine Learning) product background. A co-founder of ZK-Global meetups, Louis is a notable contributor to the Ethereum open-source community, currently an ecosystem lead at blockchain scaling platform StarkWare,

With Ivo as sparring partner, it’s bound to be an insightful and educational one, so be sure to mark your calendar 📆

✅ Perks Always On

As with every Smart Wallet TS episode, attendance badges will be available for those who get hooked by the talk — minting is through secret word, so listen for Megan’s signal to get your POAP 🌟

Engagement rewards are also in the mix ➡️ keeping an eye on our Discord or Telegram will reveal more about our quiz and crypto prizes 🎁

☝️Last but not least, we’re sure you have a lot of questions about account abstractions and smart wallets — feel free to share them on our socials or right during the live discussions.

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Ambire AdEx

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