LuckyRoo on Chip

How To Buy The Best Casino Token On The Blockchain (Uniswap Mobile Version)

By Soberchino | LuckyRooChino | 7 Jun 2023

How To Buy LuckyRooToken On Uniswap On Your Mobile


1. Go to Dextools and search for the Lucky Roo Contract Address and copy the token contract address by clicking on the clipboard symbol.

(Tip: Contract Address are the same on both chain *It doesn't* matter if you copy and paste the CA from ETH to Pancakeswap or Uniswap, same token will pop-up)



2. Go to the Browser menu in your TrustWallet and click on the correct on the same bar as DeFi (Note: If you are using another wallet if they don't have the same feature as TW such as Metamask you can search for the Uniswap website manually)



3. Once the DeFi tab is open you will see Uniswap Exchange under the list, click on the link in the app.


4. Once the Uniswap website loads click on "Get started" and connect your wallet.


5. Click on "Select Token" on the bottom tab of the swap exchange and enter the $ROO contract address you copied from Dextools earlier


6. Once you have selected $ROO click on the "Settings wheel" on the top right of the swap exchange and go to "Max Slippage" in the tab then manually adjust the slippage to the recommended tax. (Note: Devs change the tokenomics taxes from time to time due to comps, community engagement or whatever the reason may be, please keep up to date with their social media and telegram to check the current taxes before proceeding so your trade doesn't get sniped by a sandwich bot. Thank you)


7. Once you have set everything up, enter the amount of $ETH you wish to swap for $ROO and then proceed to make the transaction. Make sure you have extra $ETH in your wallet so you can afford the gas fee's.


8. Once you make the transaction Uniswap will ask to add the token to your wallet, say you skipped it for whatever reason, you can go back to your wallet and click on "Import Token" and enter the contract address, make sure you have selected the "Ethereum Network" before proceeding so you see your token's.

Thank you so much for reading this article, please share with all of your friends and family and leave feedback and ask any questions you may have and I will get back to answering you as soon as I can.

CLICK - How To Buy The Best Casino Token On The Blockchain (Uniswap Desktop Version) - CLICK




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