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How To Buy The Best Casino Token On The Blockchain (Uniswap Desktop Version)

By Soberchino | LuckyRooChino | 3 Jun 2023

How To Buy LuckyRooToken On Uniswap On Your Desktop



1. Go to Dextools and search for "Lucky Roo" in the "Pair By Symbol" search bar, look for the contract ending in "a939" (as you can see on the top 2 pairs - The Lucky Roo contract address is listed on ERC20 and BEP20, same tokenomics on both chains).



2. Copy the contract address by clicking the "clipboard" symbol on the "Token: ..." section. OR you can go to the Lucky Roo Telegram Link will be posted at the end of this blog) and type "/Contract" in the global group chat and the contract address will be shared with your automatically from there OR you go copy the contract address from the website (Website link is in my "LinkTree", this will be posted at the end of the article too)



3. Go to Uniswap then click on "Launch App" on the top right of the website.



4. This page should show up, once the web page has loaded, click on "Get Started"



5. Click on "Connect Wallet" or "Connect" tab on the top right corner of the web page.



6. Depending on which ever wallet you have installed into your web browser click on one of the options. (If you have TrustWallet installed onto your web browser click on "WalletConnect".



7. Once ready click on "Select Token" on the bottom of the exchange tab and paste the LuckyRoo Contract address that you copied from Dextools. You will find the Token and import it to Uniswap allowing you to make trades with the pair.



8. Before you make the trade, click on the settings wheel at the top right corner of the exchange bar, click on "Max Slippage" and adjust the slippage accordingly. (FYI: The devs change the taxes from time to time due to Competitions, To motivate people to buy and be apart of the community, cheaper tax fee's and whatever else the reason may be, so I urge you to check the website and the LuckyRoo telegram for updates before proceeding) - LuckyRoo social links will be posted at the end of this article.



9. Once you have everything set up enter the amount of $ETH you want to trade for $ROO, once confirmed click on "Swap Tokens" make sure you have extra Eth for gas fee's as it will prompt you before proceeding to make the transaction.

A worthy note about the slippage, I urge you to double check the taxes before making a transaction, if the slippage is too low your transaction will fail, if the slippage is too high a sandwich bot will snipe the the chart (meaning there'll be a HUGE sell/buy right after the transaction) it's best to keep the slippage as close as possible to the tokenomics taxes.



10. Once you have completed that and let's say you didn't click on "Add Token To Wallet" because you went to fast because you're just that excited to get your hands on LuckyRooToken's, go to your wallet and click on "Import Tokens".



11. Click on "Custom Token" and enter the Contract Address there and then click on 'Add Custom Token" once added you should see your token's in your wallet.

CLICK - How To Buy The Best Casino Token On The Blockchain (Uniswap Mobile Version)

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